Precarity, subjectivity and vulnerability in the neoliberal welfare state and beyond
Located at the crossroad of transforming welfare histories, neoliberal biopolitics and everyday forms of life, this panel will put a spotlight on questions of wellbeing, health and liveability from a feminist and gendered lens. Bringing attention to fundamental questions of precarity, subjectivity and vulnerability among variously positioned individuals and collectives in the neoliberal welfare state and beyond, several ongoing research projects at the Department of Gender Studies in LundÌý University focuses on intimate relationships and family relations, on strategies and negotiations in the encounter with public institutions and with the educative and health sector. In this panel, five researchers will explore the limits and possibilities of the quality of life and death and share approaches and recent insights to diverse openings and constraints in institutional as well as subjective relationships. 1) Charlotte Kroløkke will analyse the biomedicalisation of puberty and in particular the use of chemicals that act-like-hormones as a form of performative scripts. 2) Mathilda Ernberg discusses the concept of change within learning and education in compulsory schooling, specifically highlighting the demands on students’ presence in school.
3) Maria Wemrell and Lena Gunnarsson discuss women’s knowledge claims and contestation of established authorities regarding possible side-effects of the contraceptive copper intra uterine device (IUD). 4) Jamie Woodworth studies the social challenges facing the dying in a context of the West’s ageing demography.
Jens Rydström1, Mathilda Ernberg2, Charlotte Kroløkke3, Maria Wemrell4, Lena Gunnarsson5 and Jamie Woodworth6
1Professor, Professor, Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen, Lunds Universitet
2Filosofie Master, Doktorand, Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen, Lunds Universitet
3Professor, Professor / Gästprofessor, Institut For Kulturvidenskaber / Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen, Syddansk Universitet / Lunds Universitet
4Docent, Forskare, Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen, Lunds Universitet
5Docent, Forskare, Institutionen För Humaniora, Utbildnings- Och Samhällsvetenskap, Örebro Universitet
6Filosofie Master, Doktorand, Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen / Palliativt Utvecklingscentrum, Lunds Universitet