BuGyo (EU Celtic foundation)
The emerging NGN will function as a platform for e-business, e-government, and e-health, each of which require an assurance of the level of security that the NGN will provide that is meaningful to the user and deployer. The task of demonstrating and assuring the security of the NGN requires that one of the design goals of the NGN is the ability to assure the security of the NGN.
In ETSI TISPAN, STF292 and WG7 security are currently working on the development of security specifications and guidance that are able to give assurance of the security achieved. By standardising the security countermeasures and by providing an assurance audit of the development of the countermeasures, it is possible to establish confidence that the security functionality standardised and the assurance measures applied meet the security requirements.
The work of the Bugyo project fits to the work we are undertaking in ETSI by extending assurance from standards, through products and into real time feedback of the security state thus giving both the pre-purchase measure of assurance and the real-time status of that assurance when under attack.