Examensjobb inom datakommunikation (DISCO)
Här nedan kan du hitta aktuella examensarbeten/X-jobb kopplade till forskargruppen DISCO (Distributed Systems and Communications) inom datavetenskap vid ¹û¶³´«Ã½s universitet.
​​​​​​​Listan nedan är inaktuell och kommer snart att tas bort. Du hittar istället öppna masteruppsatsämnen
Formuläret skickas till andreas.kassler@kau.se
- Master Thesis on Network Configuration with TimeCritical Networks AB
- Performance evaluation of container runtimes for real-time application workloads in Kubernetes-based edge infrastructure
- CongestionÌýControl of WebRTC, video streaming over Wireless networks
- Massive Multipathing
- Browser Based Remote Control of Raspberry Pi enabled RC Car
- HTTP3 in cluster networking (Red Hat)
- Multipath Packet Scheduling for 5G Systems
- The Great Journey - computer game studio
Ìý - Enhanced radio scheduling for eXtended Reality (XR) applications in 5G and beyond-5G networks (Ericsson)
- Thesis proposal by Tieto Evry
- Thesis in the area of Transport Protocols for 5G Networks
- Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Management (Glava Energy Center)
- Programmable Packet Scheduling in P4 (Ericsson)
- Software Defined Networking Configuration Automation for TSN (Ericsson)
- Thingsboard, Uddeholm
- CloudMAC on P4 Steroids
- Statefull Layer 4 Load balancing with P4
Ìý - Programmable Congestion Control with P4
- Optimized Rescheduling of Cloud-Native Network Functions in Telecom Cloud
- 5G & Machine-to-Machine Communication