Seminars 2015
Autumn 2015:
15 September:Lutz Eckstein,ý,"Plant community ecology - processes driving plant species richness"
6 October: Casper Leeuwen, Oslo University: "Ecological and evolutionary consequences of river fragmentation for migratory salmonids".
27 October:Lotta Kvarnemo,Gothenburg University, "True harts - understanding the evolution of monogamy".
1 December:Martin Gullström, Gothenburg University
15 December:Åsa Enefalk,ý, "Fine wood and burbot - do they affect trout sheltering at lower water temperatures?"
Spring 2015:
10 February: Jon Museth,NINA, "Is it critical to restore connectivity in regulated inland rivers to save the greyling?"
10 Mars:Annie Johansson,Länsstyrelsen Värmland &Björn Wallbom, Värmlands Museeum. "Vattenanknutna kulturmiljövärden"
17 Mars: Daniel Nyqvist,ý, "Downstream migration and passage of landlocked Atlantic salmon".
31 Mars:Johan Watz, ý.“Fight club under the ice: ice cover increases the level of aggression in trout“
14 April:Ian Flemming,Memorial University, Canada."Influence of environmental enrichment and transgenerational effects on salmon recovery"
5 May:Anna Hagelin,ý. ”Fallback frequency in Landlocked Atlantic salmon and Brown trout – Does timing matter?”.
12 May:Anders Andersson, ý. ”Sportfishing effort and catch of salmon and trout in Lake Vänern”.
26 May:Karin Thörne, ý.“How secondary teachers verbally relate the words gene, DNA and chromosome when teaching genetics”.