Keynote Speaker: Jens Rydström
Jens Rydström, professor in Gender Studies and Associate Professor in History with a focus on the History of Sexuality and Gender History,Lunds universitet
My research revolves around sexuality and history at the intersection of lived experience, activism and government regulation. On the one hand, I have published and edited several books on the history of homosexuality - both how people have perceived and lived their own sexuality and how the state and the surrounding society have regulated and set boundaries for sexuality. On the other hand, I have researched and published about sexuality and disability - how people with disabilities are deprived of the opportunity to develop and explore their own sexuality, but also how the functional rights movement and its allies have worked to break the silence and create conditions for sexual development. Related interests are how sex workers in the Nordic countries have organized themselves since the 1970s to improve their working conditions and how civil society and the public sector interacted during the first years of the HIV / AIDS epidemic to support people with HIV and AIDS.
I am currently researching in three projects. One about the AIDS epidemic and civil society 1982-2000 (together with Lena Lennerhed at Södertörn University); one on heterosexual porn magazines as a forum for queer networks 1954–1986; and one on LGBTQ * activism in the Nordic countries 1948-2018 (together with Signe Bremer, Lund University, Peter Edelberg, University of Copenhagen, Tone Hellesund, University of Bergen, and Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, University of Stavanger).
Selected writings
Sex och Funktionshinder i Danmark och Sverige: Hur man hjälper och hur man stjälper(med Don Kulick). Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2021.
Kvinnor, män och alla Andra: En svensk genushistoria. Andra utökade och omarbetade upplagan. (Med David Tjeder.) Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2021.
Sociala rörelser i motvind: Nordiska sexarbetare och deras allierade 1970–2020. ISex mot ersättning: Säljare, köpare, makt och motstånd. Red. Annelie de Cabo y Moreda, Charlotta Holmström & Jari Kuosmanen, 37–65. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2021.
Vanför, invalid eller handikappad? Moderniseringen av funktionshinder på 1950-talet. I:Det lyckliga femtiotalet: sexualitet, politik och motstånd. Red. Anders Burman och Bosse Holmqvist, 122-135. Stockholm: Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, 2019.
“What's the problem with prostitution? Shifting problematisations of men and women selling sex.” InUnderstanding Sex for Sale: Meanings and Moralities of Sexual Commerce. Ed. May-Len Skilbrei and Marlene Spanger, 21–37. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019.
Undantagsmänniskor: En svensk HBTQ-historia med utblickar i världen. (Med Svante Norrhem & Hanna Markusson Winkvist.) Andra upplagan. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2015.