Hello Kaisa Koskela-Huotari...
2015-11-04… Ph D Student i Business Administration at CTF, what are you working on right now?
- Right now, the main focus of my work is on data collection and preparing submissions for next summer’s conferences. Together with Per SkÃ¥lén and Per Kristensson, we are conducting interviews at Telenor and studying the institutional change processes that led to the emergence of Telenor Banka in Serbia. We are very happy to collaborate on Telenor with this case that is looking more and more interesting as we get further along with the data collection and analysis. Hopefully, we get to share parts of this story with the service research community in FMM, SERVSIG and Frontiers in Service conferences during the summer 2016. My collaboration with Steve Vargo is also continuing and our first joint article will be published early next year, says Kaisa Koskela-Huotari.
Kaisa joined CTF i the beginning of 2015 and conduct her studies in the field of Transformative Service Research where she studies the nature and drivers of value co-creation and innovation from a systemic and institutional perspective. Kaisa has a Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration with a specialization on marketing from Oulu Business School at University of Oulu, Finland. Earlier she worked as a research scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and focused on user-driven innovation, co-design and applying service thinking in ICT companies. In 2013-2014 Kaisa was a visiting scholar in Shidler College of Business at the University Hawai’i at Manoa, where she worked closely with Professor Stephen Vargo.