Hello Katriina Järvi…
2013-10-10... Ph D Student from Aalto University in Finland, and one of our guest researchers. What are you working on at the moment?
- I am working on two articles. In the first article we are investigating reflexivity to explain why and how service productization has different effects in different social contexts. In the second article we are adopting a multilevel view on studying service productization success. The main goal during my six months visit at CTF is to work on my dissertation that is about customer-oriented productization of services. The plan is to have it finished by the end of next year.
Why did you choose to spend time at CTF?
- I work at the IRIS, Innovation Research in Services, research group at Aalto University. CTF is the perfect match both for my own research interests and those of IRIS research group. I am looking forward the feedback and new ideas that CTF can offer! My second goal for visit is networking: I believe that there a many possibilities to build a tighter collaboration between Aalto University and CTF. As a bonus goal, my third goal for the visit, is to lärä mej at snacka svenska (learn how to speak Swedish).
Where did you first learn about CTF?
- CTF is very well-known among the Finnish service researchers. One could easily say that CTF and its researchers are quite famous in Finland. For me the first CTF experience was when I was doing my master's thesis and my supervisor gave me one of the classic articles of New Service Development written by Professor Bo Edvardsson. At that time he was the key-note speaker in the final seminar of our KIBSINET research project. During the past years I've also met some CTF researchers in different conferences. It is always nice to meet the authors behind the articles that have been inspiring me, and that also form the cornerstone of my research.
What is you impression of CTF so far?
- Kind, welcoming & inspiring! I can already say that I've lost my heart to CTF and ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
Innovation Research in Service, IRIS, is a multidisciplinary research group in BIT Research Centre at Aalto University School of Science. The group explores topical questions arising in service innovation and service management fields and aims at conducting disciplined academic research in areas with high practical relevance.
Read more about IRIS here