Hello there, Sture Nöjd, PhD student in psychology…
2020-10-21... Digitalization of services and how this is transforming and affecting the user experience for customers, patients and citizens is the topic of your doctoral thesis. Why did you choose this area?
"Digitalization engages many of us. More and more services related to our everyday lives are becoming digitalized, and it is interesting to see how people relate to this and what value it adds to their lives. This is something that I am curious about."
What do you hope to achieve with your research?
"I hope to contribute to an increased understanding of how digitalized services are experienced by the users in different contexts. Which in turn can lead to creating services that actually improve peoples’ lives – create value for the individual user."
What are you working on right now?
"Right now, I am analyzing data collected during the summer. The coronavirus has affected our lives in various ways. Many people have been forced to change old habits and begin with new ones which involve using digital services. We created a survey about peoples’ habits during the corona pandemic. We received many answers, these will now be analyzed and hopefully the results will be published soon."
"Recently, my first scientific article was published and this was an important step for me. Thanks to last summer’s data collection, I now have a basis for a second article which is great – the work on my doctoral thesis is moving forward in the right direction."
"Bridging the valuescape with digital technology: A mixed methods study on customers’ value creation process in the physical retail space" published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.