Martin Schreier new visiting professor at CTF
2018-05-09Professor Martin Schreier was appointed Ander Visiting Professor at CTF in December 2017. In the beginning of May he visited CTF to meet with the researchers, and to give a seminar on customer empowerment and crowdsourcing.
鈥淚 have heard a lot about CTF, and of course I am familiar with the excellent research produced by the group. The first week at CTF made me excited about the coming years. I am confident that we will have a fruitful exchange of thoughts and identify some interesting avenues for joint collaboration, and have some fun time, too鈥, says Martin Schreier who visited CTF during the first week in May.
Martin Schreier is Pro颅fessor of Mar颅ket颅ing and Head of the In颅sti颅tute for Mar颅ket颅ing Man颅age颅ment, De颅part颅ment of Mar颅ket颅ing, WU Vi颅enna, Austria. Be颅fore join颅ing WU, he was a ten颅ured fac颅ulty mem颅ber of the mar颅ket颅ing de颅part颅ment at Boc颅coni Uni颅versity, Milan, Italy. His primary areas of teach颅ing and re颅search are mar颅ket颅ing, in颅clud颅ing pro颅duct and brand man颅age颅ment, cre颅ativ颅ity and new pro颅duct devel颅op颅ment, and con颅sumer be颅ha颅vior.
鈥淢y re颅cent re颅search re颅volves around in颅nov颅at颅ive forms of cus颅tomer颅-brand in颅ter颅ac颅tions along the entire value chain, fa颅cil颅it颅ated by new tech颅no颅lo颅gies. In the area of user颅-颅centered ideation and design (e.g., user design, cus颅tom颅iz颅a颅tion, crowd颅sourcing), for example, I am par颅tic颅u颅larly in颅ter颅ested in the po颅ten颅tial prom颅ises of user颅-in颅volve颅ment for a firm's new pro颅duct devel颅op颅ment ef颅forts and in the broader con颅sequences of cus颅tomer em颅power颅ment strategies on con颅sumer be颅ha颅vior鈥, says Martin Schreier.
Martin Schreier鈥檚 research has been pub颅lished in aca颅demic journ颅als, for example Journal of Mar颅ket颅ing, Journal of Mar颅ket颅ing Re颅search, and Man颅age颅ment Science. He has been awar颅ded several times for his research, for example, the 2012 Tho颅mas P. Hustad Best Pa颅per Award by the Journal of Pro颅duct In颅nov颅a颅tion Man颅age颅ment. He cur颅rently serves as a Senior Ed颅itor at the In颅ter颅na颅tional Journal of Re颅search in Mar颅ket颅ing, and is a mem颅ber of the Ed颅it颅or颅ial Re颅view Board of the Journal of Mar颅ket颅ing, the Journal of Pro颅duct In颅nov颅a颅tion Man颅age颅ment, and the Journal of Mar颅ket颅ing Be颅ha颅vior.
The visiting professorship is funded by Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research. The professorship provide grants to cover the cost of five visiting professors, including Martin Schreier, at CTF during the next three years.