New Chairman of CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½
2017-06-02Malin Thorsén, CEO and founder of Bright Planet AB, has been appointed as the new chairman of the Advisory board at CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
In addition to the chairman, the board has the following external members: Hans Karlsson, SKL, Peter Rovér, Effect Management, Christina Öberg, Örebro Univesity, Jonas Matthing, RISE, Anders Tufvesson, Ninetech, Sofi W. Elfving, Ericsson, Vilhlem Jensen, Nordea, Kathrine Löfberg, Löfbergs and Michael af Kleen, Differ.
– I have been impressed with the work and research CTF conducts for a long time, and I am very interested in behavioral science and the role of humans in understanding and achieving a sustainable change. Therefore, it is both inspiring and honorable to be appointed as the chairman. I am looking forward to work together with the highly skilled people both in the board and in the research group, says Chairman of the board, Malin Thorsén, CEO of Bright Planet.
The Advisory board is appointed by the University Vice-Chancellor for a three year period.
Per Kristensson, Professor and Director of CTF is very pleased with the new board.
"It is a very strong constellation of people that will provide us with vital knowledge and experience. My hope is that they will inspire and give advice on future research areas, new research collaborations, spread our knowledge and provide us with new ideas and insights."
The function of the Advisory board is to contribute to the strategic planning of CTF, with two meetings per year. The first meeting of the new board is September 5th.
CTF's Advisory board
External members:
Malin Thorsén, CEO, Bright Planet AB (Chairman)
Peter Rover, CEO, Effect Management
Hans Karlsson, Head of department of health care, SKL
Christina Öberg, Professor of Marketing, Örebro universitet
Jonas Matthing, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Anders Tufvesson, Internet strategist, Ninetech
Sofi W. Elfving, Research Manager, Ericsson
Vilhelm Jensen, Regional manager Göteborg, Nordea
Kathrine Löfberg, Chariman of the Board, Löfbergs
Michael af Kleen, Principal, Differ Strategy
Members from CTF:
Per Kristensson, Professor and Director
Per Skålén, Professor
Margareta Friman, Professor
Jenny Karlsson, Ph. D student (Ph. D student representative, term of office, one year)