New measuring tool for the experience of gamified services
2019-03-13In a recent study, researchers Johan Högberg and Erik Wästlund at CTF, Service Research Center, have developed a new tool that can measure users’ experiences while using a gamified service.
The measuring tool, Gamefulquest, makes it possible to measure a user’s experience while using a gamified service.
"With the help of this tool we can investigate how different game elements affect the gameful experience and create an understanding for how different implementations of gamfication can help a user to change a behavior", explains Johan Högberg PhD student in Psychology. "A challenge with gamified services is to make them challenging enough to make them fun and interesting to use, and with Gamefulquest we now have a tool to evaluate this. As researchers, we can get a better understanding of the gamification process. Developers and other actors with an interest in gamified services can evaluate their services to find out if they achieve the goals of their services".
Gamification, which means that elements from games are used to create a positive experience and help users to change their behavior, is becoming an increasingly common feature in digital services and systems.
The study was conducted in collaboration with Juho Hamari, professor of Gamification and leader of the research group Gamification Group in Finland. The study was conducted using surveys among users of the apps Zombies, Run !, Duolingo and Nike + Run Club.
The study is published in the article "Gameful Experience Questionnaire (GAMEFULQUEST): an instrument for measuring the perceived gamefulness of system use" which is published in the scientific journal "User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.