Visit by Owen Waygood
2013-11-12Owen Waygood, assistant professor in the École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional (ÉSAD; Graduate School of Spatial Planning and Regional Development) at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada, is visiting CTF this a week to meet with Margareta Friman, Professor and Director of Samot, and other researchers within Samot.
Owen Waygood has a wide interest in sustainable transportation and his research has two main themes: lifecycle stages, the built environment, and sustainable transportation; and behavioural sciences and transportation-based climate change information.
Research from the first theme has primarily focused on the Osaka Metropolitan Area in Japan examining children's independent mobility and differences in lifecycle stages. In the second theme, Owen has examined communication styles and techniques related to transportation climate change information and how those affect perception and behavioural intention to change.
Dr. Waygood has a PhD in transportation behaviour and urban management from Kyoto University, Japan, and a masters in biomimicry from the University of Toronto, Canada. He is originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where he simultaneously completed two undergraduate degrees at the University of Saskatchewan's engineering and computer science faculties.