Welcome Sebastian!
2015-11-04We welcome Sebastian Dehling, new PhD Student in Business Administration at CTF.
Sebastian is part of the Service Design for Innovation (SDIN) project - a European Training Network for Early Stage Researchers. His associated research theme within the SDIN project is stakeholder participation in value co-creation where he focuses mainly on service innovation through designing resource-integrating systems while exploring and assessing the usefulness of different stakeholder engagement practices. Prof. Bo Edvardsson and Prof. BÃ¥rd Tronvoll take joint supervision of this research project. Read more on servicedesignforinnovation.eu
Before joining CTF Sebastian gained experience in Service Design and Innovation Consulting as well Business Development and Entrepreneurship working across various sectors (e.g. Internet of Things, Financial Services, Sharing Economy) in Berlin and Barcelona. He is also Co-Founder of a Berlin-based design startup Cabin Spacey.
Sebastian has a M.Sc. in Business Administration from University of Twente, Netherlands, a M.Sc. in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from Technical University Berlin, Germany and a B.Eng. in Industrial Engineering from University of Applied Sciences Emden, Germany.