Activities Fall 2022
Seminar materials are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to contact us.
Our seminars and other events are open to anyone who is interested!
Tue 13/9, 13.15–16.00, 12A225 Humlan, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Sofia Oldin Cederwall presents work from her dissertation project(readers Liliann Byman Frisén & Jessica Sundin, senior reader Sofia Wijkmark). Tim Roberts gives a presentation placing his research in a societal context. Chair Christina Olin-Scheller.
Wed 14/9, 10.15–12.00, Zoom: Final (90%) PhD Seminar.Tim Roberts'Family Language Policy in Swedish-English Bilingual Families. Discussant: Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, Professor of Applied Linguistics in Education at the Department of Education, University of Bath.
Thu 15/9, 15.15-17.00, 12A225 Humlan, KuFo seminar with ܲԲö and the library. Information about Open Access and predatory journals, among other things.
Tue 27/9, ISLI and History PhD student day, more details about venue and content soon.
CANCELLED! Tue 11/10, 15.15–17.00, 12A225 Humlan, KuFo guest seminar: Mattias Ekman, The Østfold museums, Norway.
”Excrements as a Problem of Architecture. Outhouse Buildings for the Upper Classes in Norway 1000-1900.”
Mattias Ekman is førstekonservator herregårder (senior curator manors) at Østfoldmuseene (a regional museum), Norway. He works with Rød and Elingaard manors in southeastern Norway and manor culture generally, including documentation, research and dissemination of various aspects of manor and manorial history as well as building management and development. He is also the national coordinator for the Norwegian museum network for manors and leader of the section for research in the Norwegian Museums Association. Ekman has a PhD in the history and theory of architecture and socio-cultural memory studies. His recent research adds perspectives from museology, the history of knowledge, and the history of science and ideas.
Tue 18/10, 13.15–16.00, 12A225 Humlan, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Judith Kiros presents work from her dissertation project(readers Sofia Oldin Cederwall, senior reader Anna Linzie). Saga Bokne presents work from her dissertation project(readers Jessika Sundin & Liliann Byman Frisén, senior reader Morten Feldtfos Thomsen). Chair Maria Holmgren Troy.
Thu 20/10, 9.00–17.00, Minerva, KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 12/10, noon.
Tue 25/10, 15.15–17.00, 12A225 Humlan, KuFo PhD student and ECR application seminar. The seminar discusses experiences of and tips & tricks relating to funding applications. It is especially intended for PhD students and early career researchers, but all are welcome!
Thu–Fri 10–11/11, lunch–lunch, room TBA, KuFo symposium on serial killer narratives.
Tue 15/11, 13.15–17.00, 1D 327, ISLI PhD student seminar. Triple seminar: Liliann Byman Frisén presents work from her dissertation project(readers Saga Bokne & Sofia Oldin Cederwall, senior reader Andrea Schalley). Sofia Oldin Cederwall presents work from her dissertation project(readers Liliann Byman Frisén & Jessika Sundin, senior reader Sofia Wijkmark). New PhD student Rickard Nilsson presents a preliminary plan for his dissertation project. Chair Erika Sandlund.
Wed 16/11, 15.15-16.45, 3A 340 and Zoom, CGF & KuFo joint guest seminar. "Narrating Relational Uniqueness: Adriana Cavarero’s Narrative Theory and Saidiya Hartman’s Critical Fabulation".The guest speaker Fanny Söderbäck is Associate Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University and the co-founder and co-director of the Kristeva Circle. She is the author of Revolutionary Time: On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray (SUNY Press, 2019), has edited Feminist Readings of Antigone (SUNY Press, 2010), and is a co-editor of the volume Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). She is currently working on a book project on Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero, in which she puts her work into conversation with queer and trans theories as well as Latinx, Black, and decolonial feminisms to re-envision selfhood and human relations through the framework of singularity (forthcoming with SUNY Press).
Please register for a Zoom link withjennie.sarnmark@kau.sebefore Nov 14ththe latest!
Wed–Fri 16-18/11, Nordisk arbetarlitteraturkonferens VIII: ”Arbetarlitteratur bortom kanon”.
Tue 29/11, 13.15–16.00, 12A225 Humlan, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Jessika Sundin presents work from her dissertation project(readers Sofia Oldin Cederwall & Saga Bokne, senior reader Johan Wijkmark). Sofia Oldin Cederwall presents work from her dissertation project(readers Jakob Olsson & Jonas Hoeck, senior reader Erik van Ooijen). Chair Anna Forssberg.
Fri 2/12, 13.15-15.00, Nyquistsalen and Zoom: PhD defense. Sebastian Malinowski defends his doctoral thesis, 'English Philology is just a Bubble' – Unconventional Metaphors in English as a Lingua Franca. Opponent Hans-Jörg Schmid, Professor of Modern English Linguistics and Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Literature Studies, University of Munich.
Please register för a Zoom link by email togabriela.villagran-backman@kau.sebefore December 1.
Thu 8/12, 9.00–17.00, 12A225 Humlan, KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 30/11, noon.
Tue 13/12, 13.15–16.00, 12A225 Humlan, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Jonas Hoeck presents work from his dissertation project(readers Judith Kiros & Jakob Olsson, senior reader Nicklas Hållén). Jakob Olsson presents work from his dissertation project(readers Jonas Hoeck & Judith Kiros, senior reader Maria Holmgren Troy). Chair Sofia Wijkmark.
Fre 16/12 10.15-12, Geijersalen. PhD defense.Alexander Kofod-Jensen defends his doctoral thesis,The Rhetoric of Ambivalence:The Memory World of the Nazi Perpetrator in Jonathan Littell'sThe Kindly Ones.Opponent: Jonas Ingvarsson, Reader, Comparative Literature,Gothenburg University.