Activities Spring 2019
The schedule is continually updated and subject to change.Seminar materials are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to.
Wed 9/1, 9.00–17.00, Minerva before lunch, 3A340 after: KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers, with a focus on RJ and VR postdoc applications. Submittexts to Maria no later than 4/1, noon.
Tue 5/2, 15.00–18.00, Minerva: KuFo. Guest seminar with two visiting scholars from Nottingham Trent University (visiting as Erasmus teachers).
15.00–16.30.‘“Rude Wind”: KING LEAR – canonicity versus physicality.’Dr Pete Smith is author of Social Shakespeare (Macmillan, 1995), Between Two Stools: Scatology in English Literature (Manchester UP, 2012, pb, 2015) and co-editor of Much Ado about Nothing: Arden Guides to Early Modern Drama(Bloomsbury, 2018 and Hamlet: Theory in Practice (Open UP, 1996). He is a former trustee of the British Shakespeare Association and currently Reader in Renaissance Literature at Nottingham Trent University.
16.30–18.00.‘TV Chefs, Moral Entrepreneurs and the Roots of Brexit Britain:Jamie’s Ministry of Food.’Dr Steve Jones is the author of Antonio Gramsci(Routledge, 2006) and co-author of Food and Cultural Studies(Routledge, 2006). He is currently Principal Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at Nottingham Trent University.
Fri 8/2, 10.15–12.00, 12B545: English linguistics. Andrea Schalley presents research work in progress.
Tue 12/2, 13.15–15.00, 12B545: KuFo. Seminar on publishing (books, articles, and more) organized by KuFo and ISLI's PhD student supervisors. It is foremost intended to benefit PhD students and early career researchers, but all are welcome.
Tue 19/2, 9.00–17.00, 3A 340: KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers, with a focus on VR applications. Submit texts to Maria no later than 11/2, noon.
Tue 12/3, 15.15–17.00, 12B545: Guest seminar.“The Meaning of Interculturality in Contemporary Research,” withFred Dervin,Professor of Multicultural Education,University of Helsinki, and guest professor in Intercultural Studies, ý.
Tue 19/3, 15.15–17.00, Minerva: PhD seminar.Text by Tim Roberts, discussant Alexander Kofod-Jensen.
Tue 2/4,9.00–17.00, Minerva: KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 25/3, noon.
Tue 14/5, 9.00–17.00, Minerva: KuFo workshop.Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 6/5, noon.
Mon 20/5, 10.15–12.00, Minerva: PhD seminar.Text by Sebastian Malinowski, discussant Sophia Liu Fei.
Tue 21/5, 13.15–15.00, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Alexander Kofod-Jensen, discussant Grace Zhu Yuanyuan.
Tue28/5, 13.15–15.00, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Sophia Liu Fei, discussant Tim Roberts.
Tue 11/6, 10.15–12.00, 11A223: PhD seminar. Text by Grace Zhu Yuanyuan, discussant Sebastian Malinowski.
17–19 June: Conference. The KuFo-organized conference Interculturality in Teacher Education and Training takes place at ý. More information here.
Fri 6/9, 13.15–15.00, 1B 309 (Sjöströmsalen): Mock defense. Seminar on Fredrik Svensson’s PhD thesis-in-progress, provisionally entitled“Dust, sunlight, a singing bird”: Cormac McCarthy’s Symbolist Ideology.Opponent Bo G. Ekelund, Associate Professor of English literature at Stockholm University.
Tue 10/9, 10.00–12.00, Minerva: 50% seminar. Alexander Kofod Jensen defends his PhD thesis-in-progress, provisionally entitled The Aesthetics of Evil: Memory and Media in Nazi Perpetrator Fiction. Opponent Dr.Beate Schirrmacher, Linnaeus University.
Wed 23/10, 14.00–17.00, Room TBA: Mock defense. Seminar on Kari Løvaas' PhD thesis-in-progress. Discussant Mikael van Reis, culture journalist and PhD in comparative literature.