Activities Spring 2020
Seminar materials and links are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to contact us – our seminars and other events areÌýopen to anyone who is interested!
Wed 9/1, 13.00–17.00, 12A522: KuFo workshop.ÌýWork-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers, with a focus on RJ applications. Upload application texts in designated folder in Box (or send texts to Maria) no later than 6/1. CANCELLED!
Tue 4/2, 13.15–15.00, Minerva: ISLI PhD seminar. Text by Jakob Olsson, discussant Alexander Kofod-Jensen.
Tue 18/2, 13.15–15.00, Minerva: ISLI PhD seminar. Text by Tim Roberts, discussant Sophia Liu Fei.
Thu 20/2, 9.00–12.00, Minerva: KuFo workshop.ÌýWork-in-progress workshop (VR applications and other texts) with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 10/2, noon.Ìý
Tue 3/3, 13.15–15.00, 3A340: ISLI PhD seminar. Text by Alexander Kofod-Jensen, discussant Tim Roberts.
Tue 17/3, 13.15–15.00, Minerva: ISLI PhD seminar. TextÌýby Jonas Hoeck, discussantÌýSaga Bokne.
Thu 26/3, 13.15–15.00, 12A225: KuFo guest seminar/workshop. "Responses to the Changing Higher Education Landscape: Students as Co-creators."ÌýProfessor Nicholas Monk, director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Transformative Teaching. (Abstract)ÌýCANCELLED!
Fri 27/3, 13.15-15.00, 1B 364 (Frödingsalen): PhD defense. Fredrik Svensson defends his ÌýPhD thesis entitledÌý"Ideology and Symbolism in the Novels of Cormac McCarthy". Opponent: Professor Nicholas Monk, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Wed 8/4, 9.00–17.00, Zoom: KuFo online workshop.ÌýWork-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 30/3, noon. (If you wish to participate, pleaseÌýcontact Maria Holmgren Troy, sheÌýwill send you theÌýZoom link)
Tue 28/4, 13.15–15.00, Zoom: KuFo PhD and ECR seminar. James Lees presents what GIO (Grants and Innovation Office) has to offer PhD students and early career scholars.ÌýÌý(If you wish to participate, pleaseÌýcontact Maria Holmgren Troy, sheÌýwill send you theÌýZoom link)
Tue 5/5, 15.15–16.00, Zoom: ISLI PhD seminar. Judith Kiros, KuFo's PhD student presents her research proposal. (If you wish to participate, pleaseÌýcontact Maria Holmgren Troy, sheÌýwill send you theÌýZoom link.)
Tue 26/5, 09.15–12.00, Zoom: ISLI PhD seminar. Texts by Sophia Liu Fei and Sebastian Malinowski, discussants Sebastian Malinowski and Jakob Olsson.
Wed Ìý27/5, 9.00–17.00, Zoom: KuFo workshop.ÌýWork-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 18/5, noon.
Fri 29/5, 13.15–15, Zoom & 1B306 (Fryxellsalen): PhD defense. Kari Løvaas defends her PhD thesis,ÌýBe for meg ogsÃ¥. Om skapelse, forkrøpling og lengsel etter forløsning i moderne poetologisk tenkning. Opponent: Anders E. Johansson, Docent in Comparative Literature, Mid Sweden University.