Meet a researcher (archive)
- Time trend in mental health in light of economic and social-relation
factors and mental health today in light of physical activity
TIME: Tuesday September 24, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University library, Learning lab, floor 3
Various factors influence adolescents’ mental health problems. Two post-doctoral researchers at the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CFBUPH) will present their findings from some published and on-going studies about Swedish adolescents’ mental health problems. Yunhwan Kim begins the seminar, talking about how the changes in economic situations and social relations in Sweden during the past few decades influence a long-term trend in Swedish adolescents’ mental health. Li Ma continues the seminar, talking about how physical activities among Swedish adolescents today influence their mental health.
Yun Hwan Kim, Senior lecturer CFBUPH
Li Ma, Postdoctoral researcher CFBUPH
(Centrum för forskning om barns och ungdomars psykiska hälsa)
Brexit - how did we end up here?
Dr Stegmann McCallion is a Reader in Political Science, ¹û¶³´«Ã½. Her research focuses mainly on the European Union and inlcude Europeanisation processes, paradiplomacy, differentiated integration in Europe, and awkward states/awkwardness in European integration. Her research mainly uses Sweden as her case.
TIME: Wednesday October 9, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University library, Learning lab, floor 3
Malin Stegmann McCallion, Reader in Political Science
Surveillance: Monitoring app behaviour / Nurul Momen
What is the most intimate thing that you possess? If the answer is your mobile phone, you'd probably be interested in finding out how apps behave. In one end, we have a powerful device capable of collecting, monitoring, processing, transmitting data and in other end, this device is connected to several hundreds of different entities through apps. We investigate about what happens once you grant access to your data by pressing 'Allow' or 'Accept'.
The work of Nurul Nomen is in the realm of security and privacy aspects of mobile operating systems. The research focuses on the data processing practices of apps and it's probable consequences on privacy of an individual.
Nurul Momen
PhD student in Computer science
TIME: Thursday October 18, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University Library, Studieverkstaden / Learning lab on floor 3
How to solve our own problems / Alireza Moula
Either we use the power in our own brain to solve our problems OR we refer to an expert to help us.
More than 20 years of research and three intervention projects show that we can solve our own problems—and become the expert of our own lives—if we know how to do that. In this lecture with reference to these researches, I tell you how to
1.ÌýÌý ÌýFind the power within your brain
2.ÌýÌý ÌýUse this power through a problem-solving model
3.ÌýÌý ÌýUse that model, again and again until it becomes a habit of your mind
4.ÌýÌý ÌýIn this way, you train your mind to become a rational and a problem-solving mind.
Alireza Moula
Docent in Social Work
TIME: Tuesday November 13, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University Library, Studieverkstaden / Learning lab on floor 3
Solceller av plast eller såser som skär sig / Jan van Stam
This seminar will be held in swedish
Inom ett större samarbete mellan kemister och fysiker pÃ¥ fyra lärosäten, ¹û¶³´«Ã½s universitet, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Lunds universitet och Linköpings universitet, studeras hur strukturen i det aktiva lagret i en organisk solcell bildas och kan pÃ¥verkas.
Inom Jan van Stams del av detta större projekt studeras torkningsfasen, när man går från en lösning till en tunn, torr, film och hur denna torkprocess påverkar filmstrukturen.
Under hösten har experiment utförts vid så kallade parabelflygningar, då korta perioder av nästan tyngdlöst tillstånd råder. Under sådana betingelser kan djupare insikt fås i hur fasseparationen (som när en sås skär sig) sker när lösningsmedlet avdunstar.
Under föredraget kommer resultaten från parabelflygningarna att presenteras och frågor kan ställas till Jan van Stam och Ishita Jalan, doktorand inom projektet.
Jan van Stam
Professor i fysikalisk kemi
TID: Onsdag 5 december kl. 12.00-12.45
PLATS: Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstaden på plan 3
Gamifying journalism
Would you read more news if you could earn points, win badges, unlock content, or go up one level? Various digital newspapers have adopted the trend of giving incentives and rewards to their readers to attract new audiences to their websites. But, is it all fun and games, or are there other issues to be concerned about?
Raul Ferrer-Conill research focuses on the gamification of journalism and its potential outcomes for news organizations, journalism, and democracy.
Raul Ferrer-Conill
PhD student in Media and communication studies
TIME: Tuesday 30 january, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University Library, Studieverkstaden / Learning lab on floor 3
Children’s mental health in cities
- Findings from the Urbanicity and Stress Project
Urban areas are crowded, people feel anonymous, and there are many strangers who may be threatening. Because of this, cities may be more stressful to live in than rural areas.
Brittany Evans will present her findings from a project exploring the influence of the increased social stress of living in a city on the biological stress system, and risks for mental health problems in youth.
Brittany Evans
Postdoc at the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CFBUPH)
TIME: Wednesday 21 february, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University Library, Studieverkstaden / Learning lab on floor 3
Robotar som ett hjälpmedel för äldre
This seminar will be held in swedish
Jorge Solis forskning handlar om att utveckla multifunktionella robotsystem som hjälpmedel åt äldre. Robothjälpmedlen har kroppsligt-kinestetiska, perceptuella och kognitiva förmågor. Några exempel på aktuella projekt är en teknisk avancerad käpp som känner om äldre tappar balansen och hjälper till att stabilisera, ett robothjälpmedel som kan hålla koll på matintaget, etc.
Utvecklingen av hjälpmedelsrobotar driver forskningen framåt till att utveckla delvis autonoma system som är naturliga och intuitiva för den genomsnittlige äldre att interagera med, kommunicera med, arbeta med som partner och lära nya funktioner, säger Jorge Solis.
Under föredraget finns möjlighet att se exempel på robotar och även träffa Jorge Solis samarbetspartners, två studenter och en lektor från Tokyo Institute of Technology samt en lektor från Waseda University.
Jorge Solis
Docent i elektroteknik
TID: Tisdag 6 mars kl. 12.00-12.45
PLATS: Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstaden på plan 3
Measuring privacy attitudes and behaviours
The exhaustive use of interconnected devices collecting extensive amounts of data situates our privacy at danger. We make privacy decisions every day, unaware of potential harms they may cause. Despite the privacy concerns, we sign up to new online services, buy the latestÌýIoT (The Internet of Things) devices, mobiles, and feed them with a large amount of information about ourselves, and frequently our friends and families.
Agnieszka Kitkowska’s research focuses on the investigation of the difference between privacy attitudes and behaviours. The objective is to examine to what extent factors such as emotion & trust influence privacy decision making. She asks whether we can successfully nudge people to make more privacy-aware decisions, by implementing suitable choice architecture affecting risk and benefit calculation.
Agnieszka Kitkowska
PhD student in Computer science
TIME: Wednesday 18 april, 12.00 - 12.45
PLACE: University Library, Studieverkstaden / Learning lab on floor 3
Livet med de döda
- Hur människor relaterar till och påverkas av närstående som dött
This seminar will be held in swedish
I sitt Postdoc-projekt studerade Annika Jonsson hur människor relaterar till och fortsätter att påverkas av närstående som har dött.
I studien ställer hon sig kritisk till idén att sorg syftar till att få människor att släppa taget om de döda och presenterar istället en annan syn på både sörjande och de som har dött. De döda ska inte förstås som helt från-varande, utan de fortsätter ofta att utöva ett socialt aktörskap.
Annika Jonsson
Lektor i sociologi