Alexandre Sukhov visited MINES ParisTech
2021-12-13In November, Alexandre Sukhov was a visiting researcher at MINES ParisTech University, France. Tell us, what did you do there?
- I was there to meet with fellow researchers in order to advance our collaboration and research in the field of innovation and idea management. MINES ParisTech has a strong scientific foundation and great expertise in engineering issues, creativity management, design and complex problem solving, which is close to my own research profile. I was also given the opportunity to lecture and present my own research, and as a result I was invited to give a presentation at an international research meeting, "15th SIG Design Theory Paris Workshop", in the end of January, 2022.
What does your research focus on and do you hope this collaboration will result in?
- Currently, we are analyzing empirical data and discussing different applications of design theories. Our purpose is to develop new knowledge that can be used when working with idea development, idea evaluation and decision-making processes in companies and other organizations. Specifically, we are looking at patterns in how people re-design ideas, and trying to enhance our understanding of how design theories are used in practice and benefit creation of innovations in the future.
What is the next step?
- The next step is to share and get feedback our preliminary results, and to correct any shortcomings, before we proceed with publishing our work. Then, we can continue to share and disseminate our findings so that our research can benefit companies and other organizations that work with innovation and idea management. We are also talking about further deepening our collaboration through a doctoral exchange, this is in still in an early stage - so continuation follows.
Good luck!