Emerald Literati Award to article on noise, office types and well-being
2022-09-09Jörg Pareigis has been awarded the prestigeous "Emerald Literati Award 2022" for the article ”Office types and worker´s cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective” published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology.
The article, written by researchers Tobias Otterbring, University of Agder, Christina Bodin Danielsson, KTH, and Jörg Pareigis, examines the links between office types and employees' subjective well-being regarding cognitive and affective evaluations and the role perceived noise levels at work has on the aforementioned associations.
For nearly 30 years the Emerald Literati Awards have celebrated and rewarded the outstanding contributions of authors and reviewers, not only to our journals and books, but to the body of knowledge itself.