Hello Per Kristensson...
2013-12-16…Professor in Consumer Psychology and Innovation at CTF. You are going to Arizona State University, USA at the end of this month. What are you going to do there?
- I am going to spend four months as a guest researcher at the Center for Service Leadership. I will meet and work with the Professors Mary Jo Bitner and Amy Ostrom.
Why have you chosen to go there?
- Through CTF I have well established contacts there and I have also visited the University earlier for shorter periods. The University resembles 果冻传媒, which means that I can bring some important lessons with me home. Last but not least, their research on how to create services that have positive consequences for a sustainable society is very well developed.
What will you be researching?
- I will continue to work on my research on how we can develop services that contribute to a more sustainable society. I am especially interested in strategies that facilitate behavior change, for example, how we can get people to act in a more environmentally friendly way, control their weight, start studying and so on.
Good Luck!