One moment Thorsten Gruber...
2015-11-04We caught up with Professor Thorsten Gruber, Loughborough University, UK, who is visiting us this week.
Hello Thorsten Gruber! What brings you to CTF this time and what kind of research are you working on right now?
- It is always great to visit CTF, which I call my second home. This time I am here to give a presentation on the role of academic impact, and citations in particular. I am also having meetings with several CTF colleagues such as Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson, Maria 氓kesson, B氓rd Tronvoll and CTF PhD students Jasenko Arsenovic, Sebastian Dehling and Kotaiba Aal. My current research looks at the design and use of service technology, especially service robots and self-driving cars. I am also interested in the current topic of measuring academic performance and the danger of, what I call, an academic sell-out. My presentation here at CTF will also address that issue. I am already looking forward to my next visit, probably in March.
Earlier this year was Professor Gruber appointed Visiting Professor at CTF. The Visiting professorship is funded by Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research, which provide grants to cover the cost of a visiting professor at CTF for a month during the next three years.