Open innovation as a starting point for service innovations in industrial networks.
2019-06-26In a globalized world that is rapidly changing innovations are needed in a faster pace. A recently published thesis describes how collaboration through open innovation processes in networks can be an alternative that makes the journey from idea to commercialization shorter.
Constant development of new technologies shortens product lifecycles. This increases the demands for quick development processes where participation in industrial networks facilitates the release of new products and services on the market. Open innovation is an alternative that provides benefits from gaining access to external knowledge and provides opportunities for new marketing channels.
"The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how service innovations emerge and evolve in industrial networks", says Per Myhrén, who just defended his licentiate thesis. "In the thesis, I also describe the actors’ different innovator roles in the development work from idea to commercialization".
Per Myhrén is an industrial doctoral student in VIPP – the industrial graduate school, which focuses on collaboration between industry and academia. VIPP stands for Values created In fiber-based Processes and Products and is a unique investment in the Swedish educational landscape that will strengthen the university's research environments and develop the competence in the industry.