Shaping welfare services of the future at Convention Sweden 2020
2020-10-16Collaboration, data and service design are examples of what will be discussed at Service Convention Sweden 2020 which will be held on 25-26 November. We invite representatives from the public and private sectors and academia to focus on how to solve some of our most important societal challenges.
"We live in challenging times where we constantly need to adapt and adjust – something that most of us have experienced during the current pandemic. The question is, how can we together find solutions and help each other rethink and think in new ways? This is the starting point for this year's conference," says Per Kristensson, Professor and Director of CTF which is one of the co-organizers.
On November 25-26, the fifth edition of Service Convention Sweden will take place. This year, the participants can attend digitally, via a hub or physically on site at ý CCC. The number of places for physical participation are limited in accordance with the Swedish Public Health Agency's guidelines. The program is held in Swedish.
In this years’ program you can, for example, listen to: Mona Lindström, Buurtzorg Sweden, who shares her experiences of working in an organization completely without managers. Angela Yong, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, will talk about how an innovation platform can promote open and data-driven innovation, and Anders Ekholm, Institute for Future Studies, will talk about data as a basis for innovation development. From CTF, Petter Falk, Industrial PhD student at RISE, will talk about data as an individual and collective resource.
"Just like our research at CTF, the conference highlights the importance of focusing on user needs when developing new services. To be more successful in developing future welfare services, we must start from the users’ – the customers, patients or citizens – perspective,” says Per Kristensson.
Service Convention Sweden brings together the public sector, academia and business to focus on solving some of our most important societal challenges with the help of new digital solutions, business models and working methods. This year, the conference is co-organized by CTF, Compare, DigitalWellArena, Värmland Region, ý Municipality and ý Congress Culture Center.