Research data management and open data
CTRIVE® 3.0 Competence development
This workshop aims to introduce the researcher to some of the basics of research data management as well as providing knowledge about the opportunities and challenges with open research data. Research data management is a general term covering how you collect, organise, structure, analyse, store and share the information used or generated during a research project. Data management is a key part of responsible research and, ever more frequently, research funders require that research data be stored in an open format for reuse and review. Developing plans for research data management at the start of your research project can make your data administration
easier throughout the research lifecycle and ensure benefits for you, your fellow researchers and the wider public.
• What is research data?
• FAIR data.
• Data management plans.
• Legal and ethical aspects of research data management.
• Data file formats and storage.
• Sharing data in research collaborations.
• Practical aspects of open data in research.
• Metadata standards and re-use of data.
• Long term storage of research data.
Contact the Grants and Innovation Office for more information: