Jakob Naeser Skov
My research focuses on leadership development and especially group coaching/supervision of principals.
In my ongoing doctoral thesis work, I investigate how leadership development in the form of group coaching/supervision can support principals in developing their professional judgment and dare to act based on this judgment. And thereby become more capable of action, and more competent in handling the complexity that characterizes the task of leading an educational organization.
I am investigating a form of group coaching/supervision where the principals are confronted with themselves, their own ethics and value base and their own feelings and sentiments for meaningfulness and what constitutes the good life and working life. And where, based on this resulting expanded perspective, the principals reflect on themselves as principals, their own leadership and their leadership role.
The group coaching form uses artistic impulses, elements from philosophical and narrative coaching.听
Adjacent research interests are the relationship between external governance and local leadership in the school - where strong central governance can act as a hindrance to the local leadership's situationally adapted decision-making.
I am part of the research group SOL which conducts studies in the fields of School Development, Organization and Leadership.
Selected publications
Det br忙ndende engagement 鈥 videnmedarbejderen mellem performancem氓ling og f忙llesskab, Gyldendal Business 2009
路 听 听 听 鈥滳ase om borgern忙r digitalisering i velf忙rdspraksis: Forandringsledelse i jordemoderkonsultationen鈥 I: Lederliv. 2018, dec. (16 s) Sammen med Pors og Olsen.
路 听 听 听 Hvorfor st氓 p氓 m氓l for medarbejderm氓linger? i Kommunikationsforums Magasin 27. maj 2011
路 听 听 听 P氓 jagt efter motivationen 鈥 handlekraftig selvoverskridelse i meningsfuldhedens tjeneste, i Avis Venire nr. 10, 2011
路 听 听 听 Villighed og motivation, i Avis Venire nr. 10, 2011听
路 听 听 听 Kierkegaard A/S 鈥 fra eksistensfilosofi til management, i eTEOL.dk februar 2010
路 听 听 听 Evalueringskultur dr忙ber engagementet, artikel i Ledelse i dag nr. 6, juni 2009听
路 听 听 听 Pr忙stationshysteriet er over os, Analyse i Politiken 9. maj 2009