Christian Ritter

Christian S. Ritter is an anthropologist of media and technology and a mobility researcher (immigration/racism, digital diasporas, cloud ecologies, locative tourism media). His prime research interests include mobile media, systems of professions, computational methods, tourism and videomaking. He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Geography, Media and Communication at ¹û¶³´«Ã½. Prior to relocating to Sweden, he acted as a lecturer in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Christian also held research fellowships at the Centre of Excellence in Media Innovation and Digital Culture, Tallinn University, and in the Department of Social Anthropology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD from Ulster University, UK. In the past decade, he has conducted long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Estonia, Ireland, Norway, Singapore, Turkey and the UK. His latest research, which was funded by the Estonian Research Council between 2018-2020, assesses the emergence of travel influencers as a professional group in the global tourism industry. Christian was a member of the 2023 AoIR Dissertation Award Committee. He received the virt2ue certification for research integrity trainers from the Embassy of Good Science and has been a co-chair of the working group Migration and Mobility of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF).Â
Utvalda publikationer
Ritter, C. (2023). . Tourism Geographies.
Ritter, C. (2023). . In (Eds.), C. Tagliaro, M. Orel, & Y. Hua Methodological Approaches for Workplace Research and Management. Routledge.Â
Ritter, C. (2022). . In E. Costa, P. Lange, N. Haynes, & J. Sinanan (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology.
Ritter, C. (2022). . In R. Trandafoiu (Ed.) Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen, Routledge.
Ritter, C. (2022). In A. Kotur & S. Dixit (Eds.) Emerald Handbook on Luxury Management for Tourism and Hospitality.
Ritter, C. (2021). Qualitative Research.
Ritter, C. (2020). In U. Kockel, P. McDermott, & L. Campbell (Eds.) Per Scribendum, Sumus. Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith, LIT Verlag.
Ritter, C. (2019). . The Extractive Industries and Society.
Liestøl, G., Ritter, C., & Ibrus, I. (2019). . In I. Ibrus (Ed.) Emergence of Cross-innovation Systems, Emerald.
Ritter, C. (2018). . AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research. Conference Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Montreal, Canada.
Ritter, C. (2017). . Cultural Analysis.
Ritter, C., & Kmec, V. (2017). . Journal for Contemporary Religion.
Ritter, C. (2017). . In L. Lowry, & J. Golson (Eds.) The Sage International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. Sage Publications.
Ritter, C. (2017). . In L. Lowry, & J. Golson (Eds.) The Sage International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. Sage Publications.
Ritter, C. (2016). Sudan, Tourism. In: Jafari, J.; Xiao, H. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer Press.
Ritter, C. (2016). Digital Freedom and Political Change: A Discourse Analysis of the Struggle over Water Charges in Ireland. Selected Papers of Internet Research (SPIR). Conference Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Berlin, Germany.
Ritter, C. (2015). Balancing the Here and There: Transnational Mobilities of Moroccan Middle-class Professionals in Istanbul. Anthropology of the Middle East.
Ritter, C. (2015). Unveiling the Unspoken in Life Narratives: the Dynamics of Storytelling in the Lutheran Congregation in Belfast. Civilisations. Revue internationale d'anthropologie and des sciences humaines.
Ritter, C. (2014). Building Digitized Spaces on Facebook: an Ethnographic Exploration of the Irish Diaspora Community in Munich. In: Proceedings of the Third Argumentor Conference on Argumentation and Rhetoric. Partium Press. Partium Christian University, Romania.
Ritter, C. (2013). Creating Networks of Support: the Lutheran Circle in Dublin. Popular Anthropology Magazine.
Ritter, C. (2011). Lebensläufe zwischen familiarer Tradierung und sozialer Integration. Eine biografische Untersuchung zur Immigration in Strasbourg. In: Alzheimer, H. et al. (Eds.) Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie. Frankreich. Schöningh.
Ritter, C. (2008). Frühlingsrollen in der Diaspora. Asiatische Lebensmittel jenseits der Enklavenökonomie. In R. Römhild et al. (Eds.) Fast Food. Slow Food. Ethnographische Studien zum Verhältnis von Globalisierung und Regionalisierung in der Ernährung. Kulturanthropologische Notizen.
- Jolynna Sinanan, Christian Ritter, 2024
- Christian Ritter, 2024
- André Jansson, Christian Ritter, 2024
- Christian Ritter, 2023
- Christian Ritter, 2023
- Christian Ritter, 2023
- Christian Ritter, 2023
- Christian Ritter, 2023
- Christian Ritter, Rahul Goel, Rajesh Sharma, 2022
- Christian Ritter, 2022
- Christian Ritter, 2022
- Christian Ritter, 2022
- Christian Ritter, 2021
- Christian Ritter, 2020
- Christian Ritter, 2020
- Christian Ritter, 2020
- Gunnar Liestøl, Christian Ritter, Indrek Ibrus, 2019
- Christian Ritter, 2019
- Christian Ritter, 2019
- Christian Ritter, 2019
- Christian Ritter, 2019
- Christian Ritter, 2018
- Christian Ritter, 2018
- Christian Ritter, 2018
- Christian Ritter, 2018
- Christian Ritter, 2018
- Christian Ritter, 2017
- Christian Ritter, Vladimir Kmec, 2017
- Christian Ritter, 2017
- Christian Ritter, 2017
- Christian Ritter, 2016
- Christian Ritter, 2016
- Christian Ritter, 2015
- Christian Ritter, 2015
- Christian Ritter, 2014
- Christian Ritter, 2013
- Christian Ritter, 2011
- Christian Ritter, 2008