Leo De Vin

Leos forskningintressen inkluderar lean produktion, spelbaserad träning, människa-teknik, integrerad produkt- och produktionsutveckling, samt några tillverkningsmetoder.
Mer information finns på Leos engelska forskningssida.
Examinator och handledare för examensarbeten inom bl.a. innovationsteknik & design, maskinteknik, och industriell ekonomi.
Aktiv som lärare i kurser inom bl.a. tillverkningsteknik, beredning, produktionssytem, ergonomi, industriell ekonomi.
Tidigare forskning har bedrivits inom MKC, Material och KonstruktionsCentrum och professorsprogrammet som finansierades av universitetet och Region Värmland.
Leos nuvarande forskning är huvudsakligen kopplad till ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Lean Factory® och bedrivs inom ramen för Akademien för Smart Specialisering.
Leo är presidieledamot i Svenska ProduktionsAkademien och ledamot i ImechE MICG och Mechatronics Forum.
Se sidan på engelska.
Utvalda publikationer
Scientific Journals:
- LJ De Vin, L Jacobsson & J Odhe. Game-based Lean Production training of university students and industrial employees. Accepted for publication in Procedia Manufacturing, 2018
- LJ De Vin, L Jacobsson, J Odhe & A Wickberg. Lean Production Training for the Manufacturing Industry: Experiences from ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Lean Factory, Procedia Manufacturing, 2017, Vol 11, 1019-1026
- LJ De Vin & L Jacobsson. ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Lean Factory: An Instructional Factory for game-based lean manufacturing training, Production & Manufacturing Research, 2017, 5:1, 268-283, DOI: 10.1080/21693277.2017.1374886D
- Johansson & LJ de Vin. Towards Convergence in a Virtual Environment: Omnidirectional Movement, Physical Feedback, Social Interaction and Vision, Mechatronic Systems, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1, 11-22.
- LJ De Vin, M Holm & AHC Ng, The Information Fusion JDL-U Model as a Reference Model for Virtual Manufacturing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacture, 2010, Vol 26/6, 629-638
- LJ De Vin, SF Andler, AHC Ng, PR Moore, J Pu & BCB Wong, Information Fusion for Decision Support in Manufacturing: Studies from the Defense Sector, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, Vol 35, 908-915
- AHC Ng, J Adolfsson, M Sundberg & LJ De Vin, Virtual Manufacturing for Press Line Monitoring and Diagnostics, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2008, vol 48, 565-575
- PR Moore, AHC Ng, Y San Ho, M Sundberg, CB Wong & LJ De Vin, Advanced Machine Service Support using Internet-enabled 3-D based Virtual Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, 2008, 46 (15), 4215-4235
- G Bäckstrand, D Högberg, LJ De Vin, K Case & P Piamonte. Ergonomics Analysis in a Virtual Environment, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2007, Vol 2 No 2, 198-208
- LJ De Vin, AHC Ng, J Oscarsson & SF Andler, Information Fusion for Simulation Based Decision Support in Manufacturing, FAIM 2005 Special Issue of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacture, 2006, Vol 22, 429-436
- LJ De Vin, AHC Ng & J Oscarsson, Simulation Based Decision Support for Manufacturing System Life Cycle Management, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2004, Vol 3Ìý No 2, 115-128
- J Magee & LJ De Vin, Process planning for laser assisted forming, Jrnl of Materials Processing Technology, 2002, Vol 120, 322-326
- P. Olofsgård, A.H.C. Ng, P.R. Moore, J. Pu, C.B. Wong & LJ. De Vin, Distributed Virtual Manufacturing for Development of Modular Machine Systems, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2002, Vol 1 No 2, 1-18.
- LJ De Vin, Expecting the unexpected, a must for accurate brakeforming, Jrnl of Materials Processing Technology, 2001, Vol 117, 244-248
- LJ De Vin, Curvature prediction in air bending of metal sheet, Jrnl of Materials Processing Technology, 2000, Vol.100, 257-261
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries & AH Streppel, Process planning for small batch manufacturing of sheet metal parts, Int Jrnl of Production Research, 2000, Vol 38 No 17, 4273-4283. (this is an invited extended version of the ICPR-15 paper)
- LJ De Vin & AH Streppel, Tolerance Reasoning and Set-Up Planning for Brakeforming, Int Jrnl of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1998, Vol 14, 336-342.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, The Influence of Material Behaviour in Air Bending of Steel Sheet, European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, 1997, Vol.42 No.1, 19-24.
- SK Ong, LJ De Vin, AYC Nee & HJJ Kals, Fuzzy Set Theory Applied to Set-up Sequencing for Sheet Bending, Jrnl of Materials Processing Technology, 1997, Vol. 69/1-3, 29-36
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, The Accuracy Aspect in Set-up Determination for Sheet Bending, Int. Jrnl. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1996, Vol 11, 179-185.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel, UP Singh & HJJ Kals, A Process Model for Air Bending, Jrnl of Materials Processing Technology, 1996, Vol 57/1-2, 48-54.
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, Concurrency in Design and Process Planning for Small Batch Production of Sheet Metal Parts, The International Journal of Engineering Applications, Vol 1, 1996, 18-26.
- J De Vries, LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, The Use of Incomplete Geometry in Sheet Metal Part Manufacturing, Manufacturing Systems, Vol 25, No 3, 1996, 225-232.
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries, AH Streppel, EJW Klaassen & HJJ Kals, The Generation of Bending Sequences in a CAPP System for Sheet Metal Components, Jrnl. of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 41 no 3, 1994, 331-339.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, Tolerancing and Sheet Bending in Small Batch Part Manufacturing, Ann. of the CIRP, Vol. 43/1, 1994, 421-424.
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, PART-S, a CAPP system for Small Batch Manufacturing of Sheet Metal Components, CIRP Manuf. Sys., 1993, Vol. 22 no. 2
- AH Streppel, LJ De Vin, J Brinkman & HJJ Kals, Suitability of Sheet Bending Modelling Techniques in CAPP Applications, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 1993, Vol. 36 pp. 139-156
Peer reviewed Scientific Conferences:
- LJ De Vin, L Jacobsson & J Odhe. Simulator-Assisted Lean Production Training and Education. Accepted for publication at ICMR 2018, 2018.
- L Jacobsson, A Wickberg & LJ De Vin, A Realistic Lean Training Environment for the Manufacturing Industry: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Lean Factory, Swedish Production Symposium SPS2016, 2016
- L Jacobsson, A Wickberrg & LJ De Vin, Creating Industrially Relevant Environments for Teaching Lean Manufacturing at ¹û¶³´«Ã½. Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXX (Eds. Y.M. Goh and K. Case) IOS Press, 2016, 514-519.
- LJ De Vin, Simulation, Models, and Results: Reflections on their Nature and Credibility, FAIM2015
- LJ De Vin, Credibility of Simulation Results – a Philosophical Perspective on Virtual Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, R.Scheidl & B. Jakoby (Eds.), pp 784-791, Linz 2012
- LJ De Vin, Form-Feature Based Process Planning, Part 1: Overview, IMC-28, Dublin, pp 236-245, 2011
- LJ De Vin, Form-Feature Based process Planning, Part 2: Sheet Metal Examples, IMC-28, Dublin, pp 246-255, 2011
- LJ De Vin, Feature-based process planning for sheet metal components revisited, SPS11, Lund, pp134-140, 2011
- LJ De Vin, Virtual Manufacturing Practice and Advanced Applications, Keynote UMTIK 14, Güzelyurt Northern Cyprus, pp 19-38, 2010
- M Holm, J Doverborn, AHC Ng & LJ De Vin, Optimisation of Operation Sequences in Flexible Manufacturing Cells using Virtual Manufacturing Tools, FAIM 2009 Conference, Middlesbrough UK, pp 1317-1324, 2009
- LJ De Vin, On the Suitability of the Information Fusion JDL-U Model as a Reference Model for Virtual Product and Production Development, FAIM 2009 Conference, Middlesbrough UK, pp1348-1355, 2009
- D Johansson & LJ De Vin, for Increased Situation Awareness in Hazardous Environments, SMC2009, Texas, Paper 982, 2009
- LJ De Vin, P Solding & AHC Ng, Approaches to Energy Efficiency Assessment and Management: A State of the Art Study, IMC-26, Dublin, pp 9-16, 2009
- LJ De Vin, Process Planning Issues in Air Bending of Sheet Metal, SPS’09, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp 334-341, 2009
- P Thorvald, G Bäckstrand, D Högberg, LJ de Vin & K Case, Demands on Technology from a Human Automatism Perspective in Manual Assembly, Proceedings of FAIM 2008, 632-637, 2008
- G Bäckstrand, P Thorvald, LJ De Vin, D Högberg & K Case, The impact of information presentation on work environment and product quality: a case study, Proceedings of the 40th annual Nordic Ergonomic Society Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008
- P Thorvald, G Bäckstrand, D Högberg, LJ de Vin & K Case, Information Presentation in Manual Assembly – A Cognitive Ergonomics Analysis, Proceedings of the 40th annual Nordic Ergonomic Society Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008
- D Johansson & LJ De Vin, Design and development of an augmented environment with high user mobility for trainingpurposes, Mechatronics 2008, Limerick, Ireland, 2008
- K. Case, G. Bäckstrand, D. Högberg, P. Thorvald & P. and L.J. De Vin. An assembly line information system study. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, ICMR 2008, Uxbridge, United Kingdom, September 9-11, pp 181-188, 2008
- D Johansson & LJ De Vin, A Low Cost Video See-Through Head Mounted Display for Increased Situation Awareness in an Augmented Environment, Proceedings of 5th INTUITION International Conference, ISBN 978-960-89028-7-9, P88, Turin, Italy, 2008.
- L Pettersson, J Adolfsson, AHC Ng & LJ De Vin, Cell Monitoring and Diagnostics Using Computer Aided Robotics, Proceedings of 40th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Liverpool UK, 2007.
- LJ De Vin, The Role of Simulation in Engineering Design and Production Development Processes, Proceedings of FAIM 2007, Philadelphia US, pp 83-90, 2007
- D Högberg, G Bäckstrand, D Lämkull, LJ De Vin, K Case, R Örtengren, L Hanson & C Berlin, Towards Dynamic Ergonomics Analysis of Work Sequences in Virtual Environments, proceedings of FAIM 2007, Philadelphia US, pp581-588, 2007
- M Urenda Moris, T Lezama & LJ De Vin, Robust design of a Maternity ward supported by discrete event simulation - a case study, proceedings of FAIM 2007, Philadelphia US, pp 107-114, 2007
- LJ De Vin & AHC Ng, Simulation Based Decision Support for Service and Maintenance, CD-ROM proceedings of SPS07, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007
- T Aslam & LJ De Vin, Agent Based Simulation for Holistic Supply Network
- G Bäckstrand, D Lämkull, D Högberg, LJ De Vin & K Case. Reduction of ergonomics design flaws through virtual methods. Proceedings of the 39th annual Nordic Ergonomic Society Conference, Lysekil, Sweden, October 1-3, 2007
- LJ De Vin, H Lagerström & D Brade, Verification, Validation and Accreditation for Manufacturing Simulation, FAIM 2006, Limerick, Ireland, 327-334
- LJ De Vin & G Sohlenius, The Role of Simulation in Innovative Industrial Processes, IMC23, Jordanstown, UK, pp 527-534, 2006
- M Sundberg, AHC Ng, J Adolfsson & LJ De Vin, Simulation Supported Service and Maintenance in Manufacturing, Proceedings IMC23, Jordanstown, UK, pp 559-566, 2006
- G Bäckstrand, LJ De Vin, D Högberg & K Case, Attention, Interpreting, Decision-Making and Acting in Manual Assembly, Proceedings IMC23, Jordanstown, UK, pp 165-172, 2006
- T Aslam, M Andersson, AHC Ng & LJ De Vin, Simulation-Based Optimisation For Complex Production Systems: An Industrial Case Study, Proceedings IMC23, Jordanstown, UK, pp 519-526, 2006
- G Bäckstrand, D Högberg, LJ De Vin, K Case & P Piamonte. Ergonomics Analysis In A Virtual Environment, Proceedings IMC23, Jordanstown, UK, pp 543-550, 2006
- LJ De Vin, AHC Ng, M Urenda, M Jägstam, PD King, E Ballester & P Fuentes, MMII: Engineering Studies with a Truly European Dimension, Proceedings of Innovative Teaching And Learning In Engineering Education, Valladolid, Spain, pp 99-106, 2006
- SF Andler, L Niklasson, B Olsson, A Persson, T Planstedt, LJ de Vin, B Wangler & T Ziemke, Information Fusion from Databases, Sensors and Simulations: A collaborative Research Program. 29th Annual NASA/IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-29), 6-7 April 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- LJ De Vin, Air Bending of Sheet Metal, FAIM 2005, Bilbao, Spain, 465-473
- LJ De Vin, AHC Ng, J Oscarsson & SF Andler, Information Fusion for Simulation Based Decision Support in Manufacturing, FAIM 2005, Bilbao, Spain, 135-144
- M Jägstam & LJ De Vin, Simulation Engineering Education and Methodology Support, FAIM 2005, Bilbao, Spain, 892-900
- G Bäckstrand, LJ De Vin, D Högberg & K Case, Parameters Affecting Quality in Manual Assembly of Engines, IMC-22, Tallaght, Ireland, 2005, 395-402
- LJ De Vin, SF Andler, AHC Ng, PR Moore, J Pu & BCB Wong, Information Fusion: What can the Manufacturing Sector Learn from the Defence Industry?, IMC-22, Tallaght, Ireland, 2005, 363-371
- G Bäckstrand, S Möller, D Högberg, A Sundin, LJ De Vin & K Case, A Roadmap towards Cost Calculation Methods Connected to Ergonomics Analysis and Simulation, NES 2005, Oslo, Norway, 2005, 312-316
- LJ De Vin, M Jägstam, J Oscarsson & P Eriksson, dAISy: a Simulation Engineering Handbook for Training and Methodology Support, 2nd IWSMSL, Dublin, Ireland, 2005, 48-56
- LJ De Vin, H Lagerström & D Brade, Verification, Validation and Accreditation – Lessons from the Defence Sector, 2nd IWSMSL, Dublin, Ireland 2005, 12-19
- B Gawronska, B Olsson & LJ De Vin, Natural Language Technology in Multi-Source Information Fusion, IPSI 2004 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia
- AHC Ng, LJ De Vin, M Sundberg, F Oldefors, PR Moore & S Yeo, An Integrated Environment for Machine System Simulation, Remote Monitoring and Fault Detection, proceedings of ICINCO, Setúbal, Portugal 2004, 150-157
- P Solding, KM Andersson & LJ De Vin, Simulation-based scheduling in automotive industry, In Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Marina del Ray, CA, USA, 2004, pp. 401-406
- M Urenda Moris, LJ De Vin & P Eriksson, Introducing discrete event simulation for decision support in the Swedish health care system, In Proceedings of the 2004 Western MultiConference: Health Sciences Simulation 2004 (Eds. Anderson J.G. and Katzper M.), San Diego CA:SCS-Society for Modeling and Simulation International, San Diego, CA., 2004, pp. 48-53
- M Jägstam, J Oscarsson & LJ De Vin, Implementation in Industry of a Handbook for Simulation Methodology, 37th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, May 2004, pp 427-432
- P Solding, M Nilsson, P Eriksson & LJ De Vin, Structure for Data Management in Simulation Based Planning Activities, 37th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, May 2004, pp 193-198
- T Karlsson, V Rogstrand & LJ De Vin, Verifying Manufacturing Requirements Using Tools for Digital Plant Technology, 37th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, May 2004, pp 291-296
- LJ De Vin, J Oscarsson, AHC Ng, M Jägstam and T Karlsson, Manufacturing Simulation: Good Practice, Pitfalls, and Advanced Applications, IMC-21, Limerick Ireland, 2004, 156-163
- F Oldefors, AHC Ng & LJ De Vin, PLC Verification and Monitoring Using 3D Graphical Simulation, IMC-21, Limerick Ireland, 2004, 219-232
- M Nilsson, P Solding & LJ De Vin, A System Architecture for Integrated Simulation-Based Production Planning and Scheduling, Mechatronics 2004, Turkey 2004, 815-824
- L Khammari, K Hedenberg & LJ De Vin, Change Detection Algorithms for Vision Based Mobile Platforms, Mechatronics 2004, Turkey 2004, 251-258.
- P Solding, P Eriksson & LJ De Vin, Discrete Event Simulation in Operational Production Planning - An Outline, IMC-20 Conference, Cork 2003, 181-187
- T Karlsson & LJ De Vin, Effective Manufacturing Resource Modelling , IMC-20 Conference, Cork 2003
- M Sundberg, AHC Ng & LJ De Vin, Distributed Modular Logic Controllers for Modular Conveyor Systems , IMC-20 Conference, Cork 2003
- K Karvosenoja, S Ujvari & LJ De Vin, A Wireless Platform for Short Range Communication within Multi-Agent Manufacturing Environments , IMC-20 Conference, Cork 2003
- J Oscarsson, A Hermansson, S Ujvari & LJ De Vin, A curriculum in simulation engineering: the Skövde experience, CIRP International Manufacturing Education Conference CIMEC 2002, Enschede NL, 373-382
- AR Nordqvist, LJ De Vin & PR Moore, Integrating Manufacturing Systems with their Users, Mechatronics 2002 Conference, Enschede NL, 686-694
- M Jägstam, J Oscarsson & LJ De Vin, Handbook Design for Introduction of Discrete Event Simulation, IMC-19 Conference, Belfast 2002, 537-543
- P Solding, L Randell & LJ De Vin, The Simulation Expert's Role as a Catalyst in Discrete Event Simulation Projects, IMC-19 Conference, Belfast 2002, 519-526
- D Högberg, K Case & LJ De Vin, Overlapping Ergonomic Evaluation in the Automotive Design Process, IMC-19 Conference, Belfast 2002, 233-241
- T Karlsson & LJ De Vin, Manufacturing Information Access Using Standards, IMC-19 Conference, Belfast 2002, 851-859
- LJ De Vin, PR Moore, J Pu, AHC Ng, S Steiner, A De Vicq & AJ Medland, ARMMS – A Review of Approaches to Agile Manufacturing, IMC-19 Conference, Belfast 2002, 3-11
- S Ujvari, A Hermansson & LJ De Vin, Simulation Engineer: a New Engineer for a New Decade, FAIM'01, Dublin 2001, pp760-767
- S Ujvari, T Karlsson & LJ De Vin, Simulation of AGV Systems – Shortening the Production Engineering Process, IMC-18 Conference, Dublin 2001, 569-577
- M Jägstam, LJ De Vin & PR Moore, Working Methods and Project Management in Manufacturing System Design, IMC-18 Conference, Dublin 2001, 383-390
- T Karlsson, AR Nordqvist, LJ De Vin & PR Moore, On the Use of Virtual Manufacturing Tools for Computer Assisted Learning, IMC-18 Conference, Dublin 2001, 587-595
- LJ De Vin & M Jägstam, Why We Need To Offer A Modeling And Simulation Engineering Curriculum, 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, 1599-1604
- LJ De Vin & J Oscarsson, Robust Design and Manufacture of Sheet Metal Components, SheMet2000 Conference, April 2000, Birmingham UK, pp 109-118
- LJ De Vin, Expecting the unexpected, a must for accurate brakeforming, IMC-17 Conference, Galway 2000, pp 169-176
- J Magee & LJ De Vin, Process planning for laser assisted forming, IMC-17 Conference, Galway 2000, pp 77-85
- LJ De Vin, Product Tolerances in Design and Manufacturing, AMPT'99 / IMC16 Conference, August 1999, Dublin, pp 1597-1606.
- LJ De Vin, Process Planning for Small Batch Manufacturing of Sheet Metal Parts, ICPR-15 Conference, August 1999, Limerick, pp 271-274.
- LJ De Vin, Toolselection and Bend Sequencing for Die-Bending, SheMet98, April 1998, Enschede, NL, II 189-198
- LJ De Vin & UP Singh, Adaptive Control of Mechanical Processes: Brakeforming of Metal Sheet as an Example, Mechatronics98, September 1998, Skövde, Sweden, pp 141-146.
- LJ De Vin & A Nordqvist, A Case Study in Design for Sheet Bending, IMC-15 Conference, September 1998, Jordanstown UK, pp 233-238.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & D Lutters, Theory and Practice of Tolerancing for Sheet Bending, IMC-15 Conference, September 1998, Jordanstown UK, pp 151-159.
- LJ De Vin, Co-operation between Manufacturing Functions in Sheet Metal Part Manufacturing, Integration in Manufacturing IiM98, October 1998, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp 425-431.
- LJ De Vin & HJJ Kals, Set-up Planning for Sheet Bending, SheMet97 Conference, April 1997, Belfast, UK, 39-48.
- LJ De Vin, A DFM Study of a Bracket, SheMet97 Conference, April 1997, Belfast, UK, 61-68.
- LJ De Vin, W Urquhart & UP Singh, Adaptive Control in Air Bending, SheMet96 Conference, April 1996, Enschede, NL, Vol II, 25-32.
- LJ De Vin, W Klingenberg, AH Streppel & UP Singh, Air Bending of Sheet to Large Radii, SheMet96 Conference, April 1996, Enschede, NL, Vol I, 403-410.
- A Liebers, LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, The Influence of Machine Tool Loading in Cost Pre-calculation, SheMet96 Conference, April 1996, Enschede, NL, Vol I, 215-225
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel, HJJ Kals & UP Singh, Tolerance Reasoning for Sheet Bending, Shemet95 Conference, Birmingham, June 1995, 105-114.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel, HJJ Kals & UP Singh, Sensitivity Analysis for Air Bending, Shemet95 Conference, Birmingham, June 1995, 221-230.
- LJ De Vin, UP Singh & W Urquhart, Cost Pre-Calculation as an Aid to Design and Manufacture, SheMet95 Conference, Birmingham, June 1995, 125-134.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, Set-Up Sequencing Procedures For Sheet Bending, SheMet95 Conference, Birmingham, June 1995, 86-95.
- LJ De Vin, UP Singh, W Urquhart & HJJ Kals, Material Behaviour in Air Bending, AMPT95 Conference in Dublin, August 1995, 88-96.
- LJ De Vin, A Liebers, AH Streppel, UP Singh & HJJ Kals, Non-Linear Part Routings in Integrated Cost Estimation, IMC-12 Conference, Cork, September 1995, 605-612.
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, Design and Process Planning in Sheet Metal Part Manufacturing, IMC-12 Conference, Cork, September 1995, 531-538.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel, D Lutters & HJJ Kals, A Process Model for Air Bending in CAPP Applications, Shemet94 Conference, Belfast 1994, 17-28.
- J De Vries, OW Salomons, AH Streppel, LJ De Vin, & HJJ Kals, CAD-CAPP Integration for Sheet Metal Products, Shemet94 Conference, Belfast 1994, 75-86.
- LJ De Vin, AH Streppel, E Van Ittersum & HJJ Kals, Tolerancing and the Accuracy of Bending Operations in Sheet Metal Part Manufacturing, IMC-10 Conference, Galway 1993, 423-436.
- A Liebers, AH Streppel, LJ De Vin, J De Vries & HJJ Kals, Toolselection and Toolpath Calculation for Nibbling, IMC-10 Conference, Galway 1993, 437-449
- LJ De Vin, J De Vries, AH Streppel & HJJ Kals, Computer Aided Process Planning for Small Batch Manufacturing of Sheet Metal Components, IMC-9 Conference, Dublin 1992, 151-160.
Trade Journals and Technical Papers:
- LJ De Vin, Air Bending of Sheet Metal: An Overview. SME Technical Paper TP06PUB25, Dearborn, Mich.: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2006.
- LJ De Vin, AHC Ng, M Jägstam & T Karlsson, Virtual Manufacturing: Good Practice, Pitfalls and Advanced Applications. SME Technical Paper TP06PUB41, Dearborn, Mich.: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2006.
- T Karlsson & LJ De Vin, Effective Manufacturing Resource Modelling, SME Technical Paper TP04PUB150, Dearborn, Mich.: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2004
- LJ De Vin, Tolleranze nel progetto e nella lavorazione di prodotti da lamiera metallica, Lamiera, May 2003, 78-86 (in Italian)
- LJ De Vin, The Importance of Curvature Prediction in Air Bending of Metal Sheet, Lamiera, April 2001 (in Italian)
- LJ De Vin, Controllo adattativo nella piegatura alla pressa, Lamiera, September 2001, 136-144 (in Italian)
- LJ De Vin, Co-operation between manufacturing functions in sheet metal part manufacturing, International Sheet Metal Review, vol2 no2, pp50-52, 2000 (invited paper based on the IiM paper)
- LJ De Vin, Leading-edge research and development presented at SheMet 2000, International Sheet Metal Review, vol2 no5, pp56-62, 2000
- J Magee & LJ De Vin, Combining forming tools and laser beams, The Industrial Laser User, November 2000, 32-34
- LJ De Vin, Gereedschappen, buigvolgorde en nauwkeurigheid bij plaatbuigen I (Tooling, bend sequencing and accuracy in sheet bending I), Invited paper, MB Dossier, vol 65-2, pp6-11, 1999 (In Dutch with English abstract).
- LJ De Vin, Gereedschappen, buigvolgorde en nauwkeurigheid bij plaatbuigen II (Tooling, bend sequencing and accuracy in sheet bending II), Invited paper, MB Dossier, vol 65-3, pp6-12, 1999 (In Dutch with English Abstract).
- LJ De Vin, Het Nauwkeurig Buigen van Plaat (Accurate Bending of Sheet Metal), Invited paper, MB Produktietechniek, vol 60-10, pp280-286, 1994 (in Dutch with English abstract).
Editorials and Proceedings
- Leo De Vin and Jorge Solis, Proceedings of the 14th Mechatronics Forum International Conference "Mechatronics 2014", ¹û¶³´«Ã½, 2014.
- LJ De Vin & AHC Ng, Guest Editorial, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Vol 2 No 2, June 2009, p79
- ÌýLJ De Vin & AHC Ng, Guest Editorial, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 25 No 6, December 2009, pp 861-862
- Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing FAIM 2008, ISBN 978-91-633-2757-5, 2008. Editor-in-chief.
Books / book chapters
- LJ De Vin, Virtual Manufacturing Theory and Practice, in: Manufacturing Engineering (Ed. Anthony B Savarese), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011, pp 1-35
PhD Thesis
- Computer Aided Process Planning for the Bending of Sheet Metal Components, PhD Thesis 1994, University of Twente (NL), ISBN 90-9007217-9.
- Leo J. De Vin, Christina Gabrielsson, JanErik Odhe, Lasse Jacobsson, 2021
- Leo J De Vin, E. Junghage, JanErik Odhe, Lasse Jacobsson, 2020
- Leo De Vin, JanErik Odhe, Lasse Jacobsson, Mattias Säfström, 2019
- Leo De Vin, Lasse Jacobsson, JanErik Odhe, 2019
- Leo De Vin, Lasse Jacobsson, JanErik Odhe, 2018
- Leo De Vin, Lasse Jacobsson, JanErik Odhe, 2018
- Leo De Vin, Lasse Jacobsson, 2017
- Leo De Vin, Lasse Jacobsson, JanErik Odhe, Anders Wickberg, 2017
- Lasse Jacobsson, Anders Wickberg, Leo De Vin, 2016
- Lasse Jacobsson, Anders Wickberg, Leo De Vin, 2016
- Leo De Vin, 2015
- Redaktör, 2014
- Leo De Vin, 2012
- Leo De Vin, 2012
- Daniel Johansson, Leo De Vin, 2012
- Leo De Vin, 2012
- Leo de Vin, 2011
- Leo De Vin, 2011
- Leo De Vin, 2011
- Leo De Vin, 2011
- Leo De Vin, Magnus Holm, Amos Ng, 2010
- Leo De Vin, 2010
- Leo De Vin, Petter Solding, Amos Ng, 2009
- Leo De Vin, Amos Ng, 2009
- Leo De Vin, Amos Ng, 2009
- Daniel Johansson, Leo De Vin, 2009
- Leo De Vin, 2009
- Magnus Holm, Josefin Doverborn, Amos Ng, Leo De Vin, 2009
- Leo De Vin, 2009
- Daniel Johansson, Leo De Vin, 2008
- Philip Moore, Amos Ng, Y San Ho, Martin Sundberg, Bill Wong, Leo De Vin, 2008
- Keith Case, Gunnar Bäckstrand, Dan Högberg, Peter Thorvald, Leo De Vin, 2008
- Peter Thorvald, Gunnar Bäckstrand, Dan Högberg, Leo De Vin, Keith Case, 2008
- Daniel Johansson, Leo De Vin, 2008
- Peter Thorvald, Gunnar Bäckstrand, Dan Högberg, Leo De Vin, Keith Case, 2008
- Redaktör, 2008
- Gunnar Bäckstrand, Peter Thorvald, Leo De Vin, Dan Högberg, Keith Case, 2008
- Amos Ng, Josef Adolfsson, Martin Sundberg, Leo De Vin, 2008
- Leo De Vin, Amos Ng, M Urenda, M Jägstam, P.D. King, E. Ballester, F. Fuentes, 2006