Hello there Chris Budd...
…Where do you work and what do you work with?
At the University of Bath. I work in the general area of industrial applications of mathematics
What have you studied?
I have studied a mixture of courses in mathematics, physics and engineering
Why is it that math is so fun?
Mathematics gives us a uniquely effective tool for understanding the world around us.
In what way do you work with math within you profession?
Every second of my day involves maths in some way. I do research on maths, I use maths to solve problems in industry, and I teach maths to students of all ages and to the general public.
What in your career has been challenging?
Having a wife, two children and two dogs, and managing family commitments with work.
What topic are you going to talk about on the Sonja Kovalevsky days?
I will talk about the maths behind food and drink