Ekatherina Zhukova
Ekatherina Zhukova, Senior Lecturer in Intercultural Studies, member of KuFo (The Research Group for Culture Studies)
Link to profile: /en/researchers/ekatherina-zhukova
One of my interest is the concept of feminism and how it is understood and used by different actors – from activists to governmental officials – locally and globally. Another interest is gendered and embodied experiences of different crises – from conflicts to disasters. In general, I am interested in transnational injustices from a feminist perspective.
I am currently looking at how different actors in various countries understand the concept of “Feminist Foreign Policy”, introduced by Sweden in 2014. This project is a collaboration with Malena Rosén Sundström from Lund University and is financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfonden.
Before that, I looked at intergenerational and gendered impacts of humanitarian programmes on nuclear disaster survivors. I focused on Italian humanitarian initiatives developed first for children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and then for those impacted by the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.
Zhukova, E., Rosén Sundström, M. & O. Elgström (2022) “Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs) as strategic narratives: Norm translation in Sweden, Canada, France, and Mexico”, Review of International Studies, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 195-216.
Zhukova, E. (2022) “Chronic crisis and nuclear disaster humanitarianism: Recuperation of Chernobyl and Fukushima children in Italy”. Global Discourse, vol. 12, no. 3-4, pp. 616-637.
Zhukova, E. (2022) “Kinning as intimate disaster response: From recuperation in host families to educational migration of the Chernobyl children from Belarus to Italy”, Identities, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 205-222.
Zhukova, E. (2021) “Postcolonial logic and silences in strategic narratives: Sweden’s feminist foreign policy in conflict-affected states”, Global Society, online before print.
Clausen, M.-L. & E. Zhukova (2021) “Making women count, not just counting women”, DIIS Policy Brief. Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark, 31 May 2021.
Rosén Sundström, M., Zhukova, E. & O. Elgström (2021) “Spreading its norms? Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy in international media”, Contemporary Politics, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 439-460.
Zhukova, E., Rosén Sundström, M. & O. Elgström (2021) “Telling stories strategically: How Sweden, Canada, France, and Mexico interpret gender norms in their Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs)”, British International Studies Association (BISA) Blog, 10 August 2021.
Altman, T. & E. Zhukova (2021) “Introduction to blog series: Conversations about scale and space in the Anthropology of Humanitarianism”, AHN EASA Blog, 1 April 2021.
Zhukova, E. (2020) "Private humanitarian responses to disaster vulnerabilities: The Chernobyl children from Belarus in Italy", Childhood, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 238-253.
Zhukova, E. (2020) “Nuclear disaster as chronic crisis: Accounts of radiation embodiment by survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster from Belarus born before, in and after 1986,” Health, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 589–605.
Zhukova, E. (2020) “Vulnerability”. Humanitarianism: Keywords. Edited by Antonio de Lauri. Brill.
Zhukova, E. (2020) “L’antropologia umanitaria: ripensare il ruolo dell’apolitico e del privato nello spazio umanitario”, Public Anthropologist Journal Blog, 8 December 2020.
Zhukova, E. (2020) “Kinning as intimate disaster response: The Chernobyl children from Belarus in Italy”, Identities Journal Blog, 18 March 2020.
Zhukova, E. (2018) “The anthropology of humanitarianism: Rethinking the role of the apolitical and private in humanitarian space”, Public Anthropologist Journal Blog, 2 October 2018.