Evaluation and evidence in social work
15.0 ECTS creditsInstructions is in the form of lectures, group work, seminars and laboratory sessions.
The background and historical development of different forms of evaluation and evidence-based work in welfare services generally and social work in particular are presented. Basic concepts and prevalent models of evaluation and evidence-based activities are treated. Evaluation and evidence-oriented social work can be seen as perspectives for increased qualityrelations, similarities and differences are compared. Students develop skills in independently defining the need of evaluation, designing actual evaluation projects and critically reviewing completed evaluations. They also acquire the knowledge needed to assess the need for evidence-oriented social work and plan how knowledge of the evidence domain can be utilised in different social practices. Students' abilities to critically review the claims of the evaluation and evidence domains are developed in all forms of instruction. The relation between the two knowledge domains and the field of practice is a component in all course activities.
The background and historical development of different forms of evaluation and evidence-based work in welfare services generally and social work in particular are presented. Basic concepts and prevalent models of evaluation and evidence-based activities are treated. Evaluation and evidence-oriented social work can be seen as perspectives for increased qualityrelations, similarities and differences are compared. Students develop skills in independently defining the need of evaluation, designing actual evaluation projects and critically reviewing completed evaluations. They also acquire the knowledge needed to assess the need for evidence-oriented social work and plan how knowledge of the evidence domain can be utilised in different social practices. Students' abilities to critically review the claims of the evaluation and evidence domains are developed in all forms of instruction. The relation between the two knowledge domains and the field of practice is a component in all course activities.
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first鈥恈ycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Upper secondary school level Swedish 3 or B, or Swedish as a second language 3 or B and English 6 or B, or equivalent, plus social work programme 150 ECTS course credits (SGGEN),
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
Course code:
The course is not included in the course offerings for the next period.