Georgios Pavlidis
Min forskning ligger i skärningspunkten mellan social gerontologi och psykologi, men har även forskat inom idrott och doping. Jag har erfarenhet av undervisning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå sedan 2024. Just nu bedriver jag mitt forskningsarbete med fokus på äldre personers ensamhet, social exkludering, och utmaningar som förekommer med att anpassa sig till digitalisering.
Jag har undervisat inom psykologi, sociologi, åldrande, och beteendevetenskap sedan 2014. Vid KAU undervisar jag inom vetenskaplig metodik och statistisk analys på såväl grund- som avancerad nivå.
Min undervisningsmetodik ryms inom den sokratiska skolan och utmärks av konversationer med studenter och en begränsad användning av monologer i undervisningen. Jag tycker om den dubbelriktade återkopplingen mellan lektor och studenter.
2024 - ongoing. Implementing Effective Reskilling and Upskilling Learning Programs for Older Adults, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). In this project, we examine the Swedish model of upskilling and reskilling workers in pre-retirement (i.e., 50-69) and post-retirement age (69+).
My role: Indendent expert and researcher for Sweden.
2022 - ongoing. The St@ndByMe project. The project aims to support practitioners in the field of adult education (i.e., teaching older persons the use of ICTs), as well as health and social care (including long-term care) in professionalizing their work according to the European human rights framework for digital inclusion in older age. The project is a collaboration of six institutions from six European countries (Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Estonia, Greece).
My role: Principal investigator
2019 - 2022: The GenPath project. This project analysed the origin of gender differences in the prevalence and generation of states of exclusion from social relations (ESR) across European countries, and consequences of these states for health and wellbeing. The project was a collaboration of seven institutions from seven European countries (Sweden, Norway, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, Israel).
My role: Research assistant
2017 - 2019: The SafeYou project. The aim of this project was to better understand the reasons why young exercisers and athletes engage in doping practices, suggest comprehensive strategies to prevent doping use in competitive and recreational sports, and design effective anti-doping interventions aiming to protect young athletes and exercisers from doping use. It was a collaboration between five institutions from five European countries (Greece, UK, Italy, Germany, Cyprus).
My role: Project assistant
2018 - 2018. Access to the digital world. With the biggest telecommunication company in Greece funding this project, and under the motto "Become digital", the program ran for six years, and 11.000 older people were trained to use new technologies (use the tablet, navigate the internet, enter the "world" of social media, and use applications to make their everyday life easier). In 2018, I organized these training cycles in my hometown Thessaloniki, with the collaboration of the municipality and the region.
My role: Local organizer
6. 2017-2019: The CoachMade project. The project was a coach-centred intervention that promotes an anti-doping environment by focusing on how coaches communicate with their athletes in general, and about doping. The project included three institutions from Greece, UK, and Australia.
My role: Research assistant
2015-2017: The HelpCare project. The aim of the project was to develop and transfer innovative practices in education for the qualification and professionalization of health and social care workers that can be adapted and adopted across the EU28 to make better use of the existing workforce through training. The project included five institutions from four European countries (Greece, the UK, Bulgaria, Italy).
My role: Co-principal investigator
2013-2015: The ASCE project. The aim of this project was to support civil society organizations and older citizens to participate in and influence the EU political agenda and guide them to become key actors in decision-making at local, national and EU levels. The project included ten institutions from nine European countries.
My role: Project assistant
2013-2015: The Knowledge Volunteers. This project brought together young students and older individuals, where the former served as tutors of basic computer skills to the latter. Over 100 older persons benefited from the project. Through semi-structured lectures, older persons learned the basic operation of computers, including word processing, navigate in internet, email, social media, and file management. The programme continued for another year as an independent project of mine under the title “50+ Technology”, listed as a finalist in the Destination Change: New solutions for Greece competition.
My role: Project assistant
Jag klarade min Bachelor (Hons) i psykologi vid University of Sheffield under 2012, och min doktorsexamen i gerontologi vid samma universitet under 2018. Under 2019 flyttade jag till Sverige för en post-dok ställe vid Linköpings universitet och Avdelningen för åldrande och social förändring, och blev därefter biträdande lektor och studierektor under 2022. Min forskning ligger i områden kognitiv psykologi och åldrandevetenskap, och min forskningsportfölj består av både grundläggande forskning, samt tillämpat forsknings inom området vuxenutbildning. Som det syns i mitt CV är jag en "late bloomer", eftersom jag har varit professionell basketspelare i 13 år i Grekland, Tyskland och Spanien under perioden 1996–2009. Kanske påverkad av detta är några av mina första forskningsaktiviteter och publikationer inom områdena sport och idrottspsykologi. Trots det har jag ett betydande utbildningserfarenhet, erfarenhet i administration och ledning inom akademin, och när
jag fick möjlighet visade jag en stor grad av självständighet att söka forskningsmedel. Jag är ”team player”, jobbar hårt, och försöker ständigt att förbättra mig själv, med ett genuint intresse för att bidra till den organisation som jag befinner mig i.
Relaterad information
Kolla på mitt projekt: St@ndbyMe,
I social media:,
Utvalda publikationer
Ågren, A., & Pavlidis, G. (2023). Tabu att tala om ensamhet. Äldre i Centrum, 74-76,
Kafková, M. P., Fučík, P., Aartsen, M., Hansen, T., Pavlidis, G., Katz, R., ... & Vidovićová, L. (2023). Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life?. Polish Sociological Review, 223(3), 369-394,
Ågren, A., & Pavlidis, G. (2023). Sense-making of loneliness and exclusion from social relations among older adults in Sweden. The Gerontologist, 63(7), 1140-1148,
Pavlidis, G., Motel-Klingebiel, A., & Aartsen, M. (2022). Exclusion from social relations in later life: on the gendered associations of social networks with mental wellbeing. Aging & Mental Health, 27(7), 1313-1321,
Pavlidis, G., Hansen, T., Motel-Klingebiel, A., & Aartsen, M. (2022). Network and solitude satisfaction as modifiers of disadvantages in the quality of life of older persons who are challenged by exclusion from social relations: a gender stratified analysis. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17, 2859-2875,
Ragga, M., Tsoumaki, A., & Pavlidis, G. (2022). Silver Tourism in Greece. Available at:
Hansen, T., Kafková, M. P., Katz, R., Lowenstein, A., Naim, S., Pavlidis, G., et al. (2021). Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life: Micro-and Macro-Level Patterns and Correlations in a European Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12418,
Pavlidis, G., Hatzifilalithis, S., Zawaher, M.N., Papaioannou, G., Giagkousiklidou, E., & Vivas, A. (2021). The Cultural Adaptation of the Everyday Problems Test—Greek Version: An Instrument to Examine Everyday Functioning. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7, 1-12, doi: 10.1177/23337214211027683.
Ntoumanis, N., Quested, E., Patterson, L., Kaffe, S., Backhouse, S., Pavlidis, G., et al. (2021). An intervention to optimise coach-created motivational climates and reduce athlete willingness to dope (CoachMADE): a three-country cluster randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55, 213-219,
Pavlidis, G., Downs, C., Kalinowski, T. B., Swiatek‐Barylska, I., Lazuras, L., Ypsilanti, A., & Tsatali, M. (2020). A survey on the training needs of caregivers in five European countries. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(2), 385-398,
Pavlidis, G. (2018). Social and Behavioural Factors Associated with Cognitive and Functional Performance in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield. Available at:
Vivas, A.B., Hatzifilalithis, S., Chrysochoou, E., & Pavlidis, G. (2017). On-line social networking and cognitive performance in older adults: A Greek-Canadian cross-cultural study. Hellenic Psychological Society, 2 (21), 43-53.
Pavlidis, G. & Gargalianos, D. (2014). Structural support of high-performance athletes’ education supporting dual careers in Greece. Strategies: Strategies: Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 27 (1), 42-45,
Pavlidis, G & Gargalianos, D. (2014). High Performance Athletes' education: Value, challenges and opportunities. Journal of Physical Education & Sport, 14(2), 293-300, doi: 10.7752/jpes.2014.02044.
I media
Aftonbladet (2023). Viss typ av ensamhet kan förkorta ditt liv. Online artikel,
Sveriges Radio (2023). George Pavlidis lämnade proffsbasketen för att bli äldreforskare. Podacts,
Sveriges Radio (2023). Stigmatisering av ensamhet försvårar äldreforskning. Radio,
·Äldre i Centrum (2022). Ensam är ofta stark. Online & Print artikel,
Athlete stories (2020). Two careers, one life. Web article,
BasketBook (2020). Psychosocial development of professional athletes. Webcast.
TV100 (2018). Access to the Digital World. TV appearance,
ET3 (2018). The population in Greece is ageing. TV appearance,
Macedonia TV (2012). The Knowledge Volunteers. TV appearance,
- Marja Aartsen, Hanna Vangen, George Pavlidis, Thomas Hansen, Iuliana Precupetu, 2024