Xin Liu
Relaterad information
Liu Xin(she/her)isa senior lecturer at the Center for Gender Studies, ý. She has published articles in journals such asFeminist Review,Australian Feminist Studies, Journal of Environmental Media, Parallax,Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience,MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture,Feminist Encounters: AJournal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics,Media Theory Journal, Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equality. Her recent research projects are located in the intersection of feminist theory,environmental humanities, critical race studies, science and technology studies, social theoryanddigital media research.
Utvalda publikationer
1. Co-edited with Adi Kuntsman.Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures.Emerald. 2023.
2.Co-edited withDagmarLorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch.Feminist technoecologies.New York and London: Routledge. 2019
3. Trilling Race: The political economy of racialised visual-aural encounters. Åbo: ÅboAkademiUniversity Press, 2015.
Chaptersin books
1. Co-authored with Adi Kuntsman, “Introduction: Crafting new approaches for historising, politicising and imagining the digital.” InDigital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures,edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
2. Co-authored with Adi Kuntsman, Athina Karatzogianni and Jonathan Ong. “Digital politics: Defining, exploring and challenging the field.” InDigital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures,edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
3. “Sociotechnical imaginaries as an analytical tool for examining digital histories and digital futures.” InDigital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures,edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
4. “Narrating the economic value of nature in the Anthropocene.” InNarratives of the impending ecocatastrophe and sustainable futures, edited by Katarina Leppänen and Helena Duffy, Manchester University Press. Forthcoming.
5. Co-authored with Peta Hinton et al., "New materialisms across the natural sciences andhumanities:Trajectories, inspirations,and stirrings."InEuropeannewmaterialism.Felicity Coleman and Iris van der Tuin (eds). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2024.
6. “Air quality index as the stuff of the political.” InFeminist technoecologies. DagmarLorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch and Liu Xin (eds.). New York and London: Routledge, 95-110, 2019.
7. Co-authored with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch, “Introduction: Feministtechnoecologies.”InFeministtechnoecologies.DagmarLorenz-Meyer,PatTreuschandLiu Xin (eds.). New York and London: Routledge, 1-8, 2019.
8. Co-authored with Peta Hinton, “The im/possibility of abandonment in new materialistontologies.” ("Nie/możliwość porzucenia wnowomaterialistycznych ontologiach.")(translated into Polish by Olga Cielemęcka and Karolina Rychter), InFeminist newmaterialism: Situated cartographies. Olga Cielemęcka and Monika Rogowska-Stangret(eds.).Warsaw: e-naukowiec, 40 – 61, 2018.
9. “Racialized visual encounters.” InWhat if culture was nature all along. Vicki Kirby (ed.).Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 134-152,2017.
Texts in refereed journals
- “Designing a greedy and earth-devouring cat: Towards a critical feminist approach to gamification.” Australian Feminist Studies. forthcoming.
- “Crazy rich Asians: Towards an ornamental feminist account of wealth.” Australian Feminist Studies. 2023.
- Co-authored with Mathias Klitgård and Laura Horn, “Liberating Bodies.”Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, special issue “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”, Nr. 1 2022: 8-14.
- Co-authored with M.E.O’Brien, Nat Raha, Grietje Baars, and Mathias Klitgård, “Transversing Sexualities and Critiques of Capital.”Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, special issue “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”, Nr. 1 2022: 65-80.
- “The use/less citation of feminist research.”Australian feminist studies,Forum on “New feminist research ethics”. 2021
- “Hair, machines, sanitary pads and diary: The sentimental intimacy during Covid-19.” Agenda, special issue on “Covid-19: The Intimacies of Pandemics”, co-edited by Moshibudi Motimele and Danai S. Mupotsa. 2021
- “The im/possibility of in/appropriate/d otherness: Notes on transnational feminist encounters.”Feminist review. 2021
- “Keeping fit in the smog: Health, self-tracking and air pollution in postsocialist China”,Catalyst: Feminism, theory, technoscience, special section on “Self-tracking, embodieddifferences and the politics and ethics of health”, co-edited by Luna Dolezal and VenlaOikkonen,7(1), 2021,
- “Im/possible boredom: Rethinking the present of the gamer subject.”Media theoryjournal, special issue on “Mediating present”, co-edited by Rebecca Coleman and Susanna Paasonen. 4(2): 33-54, 2020.
- “Screened screens screening: Boundaries and boundary-drawing practices during COVID-19.” In Journalofenvironmentalmedia,special issue on “Environmental media amidst the COVID-19 pandemic”, co-edited by Adi Kuntsman, Becky Alexis-Martin, Xin Liu, 1(1): 1.1-1.7, 2020.
- Co-authored with Danai S. Mupotsa, “Stammering tongue.” In Tydskrif vir letterkunde,special issue on “Ghostly Border-Crossings: Europe in Afrodiasporic”,co-edited by Polo Moji and Natasha Himmelman, 56(1): 127-142,2019. (The writing is equally shared by the authors).
- “Sensing smog on social media: Rethinking tracing as the self-tracking of originary humanicity.” MAI: Feminism and digital cultural journal, special issue on “Feminist newmaterialist practices”,co-edited by Rebecca Coleman, Tara Page and Helen Palmer, 4: 1- 25, 2019.
- “Nose hair: Love it or leave it? The lovecidal of bodies that filter.” Parallax, special issueon “Corps”, co-edited by Lenka Vrablikova and Thomas Clement Mercier,Parallax25 (1): 75-91, 2019.
- “The psychic life of money in the Anthropocene.” Australianfeministstudies,special issue on “Money”, edited by Lisa Adkins, 34 (96): 244-260, 2018
- “Air quality index as the stuff of the political.” Australian feminist studies,special issue on “Feministtechnoecologies”, co-edited by Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch and Xin Liu, 32 (94): 445-460, 2017.
- “Counting zero: Rethinking feminist epistemologies.” Feminist encounters: A journal ofcritical studies in culture and politics, special issue on “A critique of our own? On the epistemic habits of academic feminism”, co-edited by Salla Peltonen and Marianne Liljeström, 1(1): 07,, 2017
- “The discontinuous discontinuity of race and racism.”Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning,29(2): 43-46, 2016.
- “Racial excess: Rethinking how race comes to matter.” Australianfeministstudies30 (86): 433-442, 2016.
- Co-authored with Peta Hinton, “The im/possibility of abandonment in new materialist ontologies.” Australian feminist studies30(84): 128-145, 2015. (The writing is equallysharedby theauthors).
Specialissueof journals
1. Co-edited with Mathias Klitgård and Laura Horn, “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”,SpecialissueofKvinnder, Køn &Forskning.2022.(Withan editorial introduction)
2. Co-edited with Adi Kuntsman and Becky Alexis-Martin, “Environmental media amidstthe COVID-19 pandemic.” Special issue ofJournal of environmental media1(1), 2020.(Withan editorial introduction).
3. Co-edited with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch,“Feminist technoecologies.”Special issue ofAustralian feminist studies32 (94), 2017. (With an editorialintroduction).
1.“Lovecidal:Walkingwiththedisappearedbookreview.”Australianfeministstudies,31(90):513-515, 2016.
2. “Willful willing: Towards a feminist dissenting politics.”Girlhood studies8(2): 135-140,2015.
3. “Tracingdiversity:Circulationandblockage.”Nora:Nordicjournaloffeministandgenderresearch21(3):232-235, 2013.
4. “Book review of ‘Framing intersectionality: Debates on a multi-faceted concept in genderstudies.'”Nordic Journal of Migration Research2(3),0048-3, 2012.
5. “Bookreviewof‘Genderequality,citizenshipandhumanrights:ControversiesandchallengesinChinaandtheNordicCountries.”Nordicjournalofmigrationresearch1(1),2011.
Texts innon-refereedjournalsorothernon-refereedpublications
1. Co-authored with Hanna Husberg et al. "Atmospheric Commons." Report of Field_NotesThe Heavens: an art&science field laboratory, 2019. writing isequally shared by theauthors).
2. Co-authored with Elina Oinas et al. “Welfare state and feminist transnational knowledgeproduction.” Report submitted to the Nordic Council of Ministers, 2019. isequally sharedby theauthors).
3. Co-authoredwithDagmarLorenz-MeyerandPatTreusch.“Feministtechnoecologies.”Almanac ofNew materialism: How matter comes to matter, 2018.. (I amthefirst author ofthis text).
1. Co-edited with Adi Kuntsman. Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures. Emerald. 2023.
2. Co-edited with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch. Feminist technoecologies. New York and London: Routledge. 2019
3. Trilling Race: The political economy of racialised visual-aural encounters. Åbo: Åbo Akademi University Press, 2015.
Chapters in books
1. Co-authored with Adi Kuntsman, “Introduction: Crafting new approaches for historising, politicising and imagining the digital.” In Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures, edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
2. Co-authored with Adi Kuntsman, Athina Karatzogianni and Jonathan Ong. “Digital politics: Defining, exploring and challenging the field.” In Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures, edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
3. “Sociotechnical imaginaries as an analytical tool for examining digital histories and digital futures.” In Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures, edited by Adi Kuntsman and Xin Liu. 2023.
4. “Narrating the economic value of nature in the Anthropocene.” In Narratives of the impending ecocatastrophe and sustainable futures, edited by Katarina Leppänen and Helena Duffy, Manchester University Press. Forthcoming.
5. Co-authored with Peta Hinton et al., "New materialisms across the natural sciences and humanities: Trajectories, inspirations, and stirrings." In European newmaterialism. Felicity Coleman and Iris van der Tuin (eds). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2024.
6. “Air quality index as the stuff of the political.” In Feminist technoecologies. Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch and Liu Xin (eds.). New York and London: Routledge, 95- 110, 2019.
7. Co-authored with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch, “Introduction: Feminist technoecologies.” In Feministtechnoecologies. Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch and Liu Xin (eds.). New York and London: Routledge, 1-8, 2019.
8. Co-authored with Peta Hinton, “The im/possibility of abandonment in new materialist ontologies.” ("Nie/możliwość porzucenia wnowomaterialistycznych ontologiach.") (translated into Polish by Olga Cielemęcka and Karolina Rychter), In Feminist new materialism: Situated cartographies. Olga Cielemęcka and Monika Rogowska-Stangret (eds.). Warsaw: e-naukowiec, 40 – 61, 2018.
9. “Racialized visual encounters.” In What if culture was nature all along. Vicki Kirby (ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 134-152, 2017.
Texts in refereed journals
“Designing a greedy and earth-devouring cat: Towards a critical feminist approach to gamification.” Australian Feminist Studies. forthcoming.
“Crazy rich Asians: Towards an ornamental feminist account of wealth.” Australian Feminist Studies. 2023.
Co-authored with Mathias Klitgård and Laura Horn, “Liberating Bodies.” Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, special issue “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”, Nr. 1 2022: 8-14.
Co-authored with M.E.O’Brien, Nat Raha, Grietje Baars, and Mathias Klitgård, “Transversing Sexualities and Critiques of Capital.” Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, special issue “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”, Nr. 1 2022: 65-80.
“The use/less citation of feminist research.” Australian feminist studies, Forum on “New feminist research ethics”. 2021
“Hair, machines, sanitary pads and diary: The sentimental intimacy during Covid-19.” Agenda, special issue on “Covid-19: The Intimacies of Pandemics”, co-edited by Moshibudi Motimele and Danai S. Mupotsa. 2021
“The im/possibility of in/appropriate/d otherness: Notes on transnational feminist encounters.” Feminist review. 2021
“Keeping fit in the smog: Health, self-tracking and air pollution in postsocialist China”, Catalyst: Feminism, theory, technoscience, special section on “Self-tracking, embodied differences and the politics and ethics of health”, co-edited by Luna Dolezal and Venla Oikkonen, 7(1), 2021,
“Im/possible boredom: Rethinking the present of the gamer subject.” Media theory journal, special issue on “Mediating present”, co-edited by Rebecca Coleman and Susanna Paasonen. 4(2): 33-54, 2020.
“Screened screens screening: Boundaries and boundary-drawing practices during COVID-19.” In Journal ofenvironmental media, special issue on “Environmental media amidst the COVID-19 pandemic”, co-edited by Adi Kuntsman, Becky Alexis-Martin, Xin Liu, 1(1): 1.1-1.7, 2020.
Co-authored with Danai S. Mupotsa, “Stammering tongue.” In Tydskrif vir letterkunde, special issue on “Ghostly Border-Crossings: Europe in Afrodiasporic”, co-edited by Polo Moji and Natasha Himmelman, 56(1): 127-142,2019. (The writing is equally shared by the authors).
“Sensing smog on social media: Rethinking tracing as the self-tracking of originary humanicity.” MAI: Feminism and digital cultural journal, special issue on “Feminist new materialist practices”, co-edited by Rebecca Coleman, Tara Page and Helen Palmer, 4: 1- 25, 2019.
“Nose hair: Love it or leave it? The lovecidal of bodies that filter.” Parallax, special issue on “Corps”, co-edited by Lenka Vrablikova and Thomas Clement Mercier, Parallax 25 (1): 75-91, 2019.
“The psychic life of money in the Anthropocene.” Australian feminist studies, special issue on “Money”, edited by Lisa Adkins, 34 (96): 244-260, 2018
“Air quality index as the stuff of the political.” Australian feminist studies, special issue on “Feministtechnoecologies”, co-edited by Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch and Xin Liu, 32 (94): 445-460, 2017.
“Counting zero: Rethinking feminist epistemologies.” Feminist encounters: A journal of critical studies in culture and politics, special issue on “A critique of our own? On the epistemic habits of academic feminism”, co-edited by Salla Peltonen and Marianne Liljeström, 1(1): 07,, 2017
“The discontinuous discontinuity of race and racism.” Sukupuolentutkimus- Genusforskning, 29(2): 43-46, 2016.
“Racial excess: Rethinking how race comes to matter.” Australian feminist studies 30 (86): 433-442, 2016.
Co-authored with Peta Hinton, “The im/possibility of abandonment in new materialist ontologies.” Australian feminist studies 30(84): 128-145, 2015. (The writing is equally shared by the authors).
Special issue of journals
1. Co-edited with Mathias Klitgård and Laura Horn, “Sexualities and Critiques of Capital”, Special issue of Kvinnder, Køn & Forskning. 2022. (With an editorial introduction)
2. Co-edited with Adi Kuntsman and Becky Alexis-Martin, “Environmental media amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.” Special issue of Journal of environmental media 1(1), 2020. (With an editorial introduction).
3. Co-edited with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch, “Feminist technoecologies.” Special issue of Australian feminist studies 32 (94), 2017. (With an editorial introduction).
Book reviews
1. “Lovecidal: Walking with the disappeared book review.” Australian feminist studies, 31(90): 513-515, 2016.
2. “Willful willing: Towards a feminist dissenting politics.” Girlhood studies 8(2): 135-140, 2015.
3. “Tracing diversity: Circulation and blockage.” Nora: Nordic journal of feminist and gender research 21(3): 232-235, 2013.
4. “Book review of ‘Framing intersectionality: Debates on a multi-faceted concept in gender studies.'” Nordic Journal of Migration Research 2(3), 0048-3, 2012.
5. “Book review of ‘Gender equality, citizenship and human rights: Controversies and challenges in China and theNordic Countries.” Nordic journal of migration research 1(1),, 2011.
Texts in non-refereed journals or other non-refereed publications
1. Co-authored with Hanna Husberg et al. "Atmospheric Commons." Report of Field_Notes The Heavens: an art&science field laboratory, 2019. notes-the-heavens. (The writing isequally shared by the authors).
2. Co-authored with Elina Oinas et al. “Welfare state and feminist transnational knowledge production.” Report submitted to the Nordic Council of Ministers, 2019. (The writing is equally sharedby the authors).
3. Co-authored with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Pat Treusch. “Feminist technoecologies.” Almanac of New materialism: How matter comes to matter, 2018. . (I am the first author of this text).
- Liu Xin, 2024
- Tara Mehrabi, Martin Hultman, Signe Uldbjerg, Liu Xin, 2024
- Liu Xin, 2024
- P. Hinton, D. Lorenz-Meyer, J. Barla, V. Braun, C. Draude, W. Ernst, Liu Xin, N. Mauthner, S. Schmitz, J. Šmejkalová, M. Szczygielska, 2023
- Redaktör, 2023
- Adi Kuntsman, Liu Xin, 2023
- Liu Xin, 2023
- Liu Xin, 2022
- Mathias Klitgård, Liu Xin, Laura Horn, 2022
- M. E. O’Brien, Nat Raha, Grietje Baars, Liu Xin, Mathias Klitgård, 2022