Summer Greetings from CTF
2011-07-01The spring has been hectic at CTF. There has been an increase in number of projects, we have more external partners and the number of people working at CTF has increased to nearly 60, which is the highest number ever.
The main reasons for the increase in volume, the new projects and new collaborations are that SAMOT is deepening the forms of collaboration with the partners as the research profile is entering the third phase, while we have worked to get the two research profiles supported by the Knowledge Foundation in place. This has required a lot of effort and many of us have had a heavy work load. Overall, our portfolio gives us a long term and stable foundation for the future with many exciting development opportunities.
This fall, we will staff our programs and projects further and we are busy planning how to remodel on the premises to make room for new research colleagues. But before this takes place, it is time for some time off and we wish everyone a pleasant summer vacation.
Professor Patrik Larsson, Director of CTF