Välkommen på seminarium med Professor Ajay K. Kohli
2015-10-27Den 23-24 november har CTF besök av professor Ajay K. Kohli från Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Han är här för att hålla en doktorandkurs och ett seminarium på temat Theory Buildning.
Titeln på seminariet med professor Kohli är "Theory and its Construction" och det kommer att hållas på engelska. Seminariet är öppet för allmänheten och det kostar inget att delta. Läs mer om innehållet under Abstract nedan. Vid eventuella frågor var vänlig kontakta Britt-Marie Shandrew vid CTF, telefon: 054-700 1550, e-post: britt-marie.handrew@kau.se
Tid & plats: 24 november kl 10:15-12:00, Agardhsalen (11D257) vid ¹û¶³´«Ã½s universitet
Abstract: Theory and its Construction
The vitality of a discipline is reflected in the vibrancy and quality of its theories that explain and predict phenomena of interest. This research makes two main contributions. First, it clarifies the nature of a theory as comprised of three core components. It develops three general structures of arguments that may be used to support three different types of propositions (main effects, interaction effects, and non-linear effects). The three-component view of a theory highlights the importance of considering each of all three components during theory construction. Second, this research clarifies the nature of theory construction as a process that iterates between a theoretical plane and an empirical plane. It identifies key characteristics that make a theory impactful, and based on that suggests ways in which a scholar can engage in the theory construction process to generate more impactful theories.
Ajay K. Kohli is the Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair and Professor of Marketing at the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Kohli is also a former editor of the Journal of Marketing, the premier broadbased academic journal in Marketing. He is among the 100 most cited authors in a decade in the fields of Business and Economics combined. Dr. Kohli has previously taught at e.g. Harvard Business School, and has led numerous executive education seminars in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America. He has worked in industry for more than six years in sales & distribution management, and in marketing strategy consulting. Dr. Kohli has consulted for several companies including 3M, Accenture, Andersen, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, Eastman Kodak, The Forum Corporation, Halli- burton, IBM, Shell, Texas Instruments, and the World Bank. Dr. Kohli’s research focuses on a variety of topics including market orientation, customer solutions, market signaling, cus- tomer relationships, sales