We are a multidisciplinary group and we work interdisciplinary with knowledge on societal risk.
Johanna Gustavsson
Director of CSR
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2522
Johanna Gustavsson is the director of CSR. Johanna has long experience of injury preventive work for elderly people. People of old age are more exposed to many risks and may also need information and support that is specially adapted.
- Read more about Johanna Gustavssons research, link:/forskare/johanna-gustavsson
Emelie Hindersson
CSR Coordinator
Emelie Hindersson is coordinator for the Centre for So. She works with external communication as well as internal development. Emelie is a biologist and project manager with a degree from ý.
Khabat Amin
Externally funded PhD student
Khabat Amin is a PhD student connected to the Centre for Societal Risk Research. Khabat is funded by the Swedish Transport Agency, Transportstyrelsen, where he also works as a statistician at the unit for data collection and analysis. Khabats research is focused on accidents involving unprotected road-users and the consequences of such accidents on society from a epidemiological perspective, and the study of selected societal interventions to increase safety of unprotected road-users.
- Read more about Khabat Amins research, link:/forskare/khabat-amin
Ragnar Andersson
Senior professor
Ragnar Andersson has a background in engineering, social science and medicine. His research focusses on accident- and injury analysis and prevention, injury surveilance and critical factors for risk and for safety on the macro level. Ragnar is formally retired but still has a connection to the Centre for Societal Risk Research through his role as Senior Professor.
Linda Beckman
Associate professor in publich health science
Linda Beckman is associate professor in public health science. She conducts research and educates in the field of mental health of children and vulnerable and exposed children. At CSR she is active in research about elderly and their experiences when at risk and in crises.
- Read more about Linda Beckmans research, link:/forskare/linda-beckman
Peter Bellström
Associate professor in informatics
Peter Bellström is associate professor in informatics and researches digitalisation of crisis training as well as municipality-citizen communication through Facebook. Peter also has done research in database design and pedagogical questions connected to computer programming education.
- Read more about Peter Bellströms research, link:/forskare/peter-bellstrom
Avit Bhowmik
Assitant professor in Risk- and environmental studies
Avit is assistant professor in Risk- and environmental studies and lead data modeller in the Exponential Roadmap initiative. Avits research focusses on societal tresholds, sustainable development, societal transformation and climate change. Avit has an interdisciplinary background in areas such as environmental planning, geoinformatics, environmental epidemiologics and climate.
- Read more about Avit Bhowmiks research, link:/forskare/avit-kumar-bhowmik
Barbara Blumenthal
Project leader and PhD student
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1969
Barbara Blumenthal is a meteorologist with an education from Germany. Barbara has worked with floods for many years and her area of knowledge is vulnerability analysis and learning from accidents.
- Read more about Barbara Blumenthals research, link:/forskare/barbara-blumenthal
Tove Bodland
Project assistant
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1184
Tove is currently on leave of absence
Tove Bodland works as project assistant in the research project Samhällsresiliens i Sverige, Styrning, Sociala nätverk och lärande, with focus on climate adaptation from a resilience perspective. Toves background is in environmental science and she has a master in societal risk management.
Åsa Bongnell-Höjer
University communications officer
Tel: +46 (0)54 - 700 2571
Åsa Bongnell-Höjer works with communication issues and press releases for the Centre for Societal Risk Research. She is employed at ý´s Department of communications.
Carl Bonander
Assistant professor in Risk- and environmental studies
Carl is currently on leave of absence.
Carl Bonander är lektor i risk- och miljöstudier. Carls forskning fokuserar på skadeepidemiologi och skadeprevention från ett samhällsperspektiv. Carl är särskilt intresserad av utveckling av metoder för att identifiera kausala effekter av samhällsbaserade säkerhetsinterventioner, samt sociodemografiska ojämlikheter i hälsa och säkerhet. Carl disputerade 2016 i risk- och miljöstudier.
- Read more about Carl Bonanders research, link:/forskare/carl-bonander
Nina Christenson
Assistant professor in Geography didactics
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2297
Nina Christenson is a senior lecturer in geography didactics. Her research focus is students knowledge of how to prevent and manage climate related risks as mediated through an informal learning environment developed by the Centre for Societal Risk Research.
- Read more about Nina Christensons research, link:/forskare/nina-christenson
Åsa Davidsson
PhD student
Åsa Davidsson is a PhD student in the field of window of opportunity for change in disaster risk science. Åsa's background is in real estate management and environmental science and she has a masters degree in risk management.
- Interview with Åsa on her research, 2020-06-15 [In Swedish]
- Read more about Åsa Davidssons research, link:/forskare/asa-davidsson
Mathilde de Goër de Herve
PhD student
Mathilde is a PhD student at Risk- and Environmental studies. Her thesis focus on tools for decision of sustainable risk management strategies at the societal level for dealing with natural hazards. Mathilde has a background in economics and development studies from Bordeaux University and she has an International Joint Master degree in sustainable territorial development from the University of Padova (Italy), KU Leuven (Belgium) and Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (France).
Leigh Glover
Affiliated senior research fellow
Dr. Leigh Glover is a researcher, consultant and the former Director of the Australasian Centre for the Governance & Management of Urban Transport (GAMUT) at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include urban and transport sustainability, global environmental politics, environmental policy and planning, environmental and political theory, and issues of science, technology and society, in which he has researched, published, and lectured.
Tonje Grahn
Assistant professor
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1433
Tonje Grahn is assistant professor and work at CCS with methods for risk assessment of climate related risks. She holds postdoc funding from the Swedish civil contingencies agency, MSB, in which she works with the standardization of assessment methods for climate related risks, in close collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, in USA.
- Läs mer om Tonje Grahns forskning, länk:/forskare/tonje-grahn
Mikael Granberg
Professor in political science
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1015
Mikael Granberg is a professor in political science, his research revolves around issues such as governance, societal organization and political processes in a wider manner. The last few years Mikael has been involved in several research projects concerned with societal systems and their ability to handle uncertainty and complex societal challenges connected to climate change.
- Read more about Mikael Granbergsresearch, link:/forskare/mikael-granberg
PhD student and collaboration strategist
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1928
Kristin Gustafsson works strategically with external cooperation. It is about creating meeting places for collaboration and learning. She is a lecturer in Risk-and Environment Studies in the fields of communication, climate adaptation and strategies for sustainable development. Kristin has a background in agronomy.
Jan Haas
Jan Haas holds a PhD in remote sensing and geographic information technology (GIT). He is a senior lecturer in Geomatics and active in research projects at CCS. His research interests lie in method development within GIS and remote sensing frameworks from a sustainability and climate perspective, with focus on urbanization effects and anthropogenic environmental changes.
- Read more about Jan Haas research, link:/forskare/jan-haas
Sven Halldin
Senior Professor
Sven Halldin has had ties to CSR's predecessor CCS since 2016. Sven is Professor Emeritus in Hydrology at Uppsala University. He was the former director of CNDS, a research collaboration in which CSR is a part.
Max Hansson
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2403
Max Hansson develops courses and lectures at Risk- and environmental studies. He has a great interest in the development of web-based learning. Max is a plant ecophysiology biologist with a research focus in air pollution.
Beatrice Hedelin
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1444
Beatrice Hedelin has a PhD in environmental and energy systems studies. Her research is transdisciplinary focused on planning processes for sustainable development in the area of regional water and flood management planning.
- Interview with Beatrice on her research, 2020-10-06 [In Swedish]
- Read more about Beatrice Hedelins research, link: /forskare/beatrice-hedelin
Robin Holmberg
PhD student
Robin Holmberg is a PhD student in Risk- and Environmental studies and active at the Centre for Societal Risk Research.
Magnus Johansson
Associate professor in Risk- and environmental studies
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1882
Magnus Johansson has a PhD in physical geography. His research focus on learning from complex and large scale accidents, for example natural disasters. During 2006 - 2016 he worked at the Swedish civil contingencies agency with similar questions. Magnus is a senior lecturer at Risk- and environmental studies and lectures in the junction between climate adaptation and risk management. Magnus is also responsible for contracts teaching in the field of accident investigation conducted by ý in collaboration with amongst others the Swedish civil contingencies agency MSB.
- Read mre about Magnus Johanssons research, link:/forskare/magnus-johansson
Konstantinos Karagiorgos
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1045
Konstantinos Karagiorgos has a postdoc at CSR where he has been part of the research project Swedish Pluvial Modelling Analysis and Safety Handling (SPLASH). He has a PhD from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Universität für Bodenkultur) in Vienna, Austria.
Jenni Koivisto
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1644
Jenni Koivisto holds a PhD in risk-and environmental studies from ý university. Her research focus is in learning from natural accidents. Her background is in environmental science and she has a masters degree in International Development and Management.
Monika Magnusson
Associate professor in informatics
Monika Magnusson is associate professor in informatics. She does research and teaches on ICT-supported business development. Her primary research focus is digitalisation of crisis training. Other research interests include municipal use of Facebook for crisis communication or communication with citizens more generally.
- Read more about Monika Magnussons research, link:/forskare/monika-magnusson
Ingvar Mattsson
Affiliated researcher
Ingvar Mattsson holds a PhD in Physics and a PhD education in geoscience as well as an MBA. Ingvar has a long experience from work at finance markets and currently works at Swedbank in Stockholm. Ingvar’s research interest lies in how financial markets manage different societal risks such as nature accidents, climate change or social risks.
Syed "Monir" Moniruzzaman
Assistant professor< br /> E-mail:
Syed Moniruzzaman is assistant professor in Risk and Environmental Studies and is active at the Centre for Societal Risk Research.
Adrian Muntean
Professor in Mathematics
Adrian is professor in Mathematics. His interests lie in the understanding, translating and then exploring in mathematical terms the physical and social world around us.
- Read more about Adrian Munteans research, link:/forskare/adrian-muntean
Finn Nilson
Professor in risk- and environmental studies
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2353
Finn Nilson is associate professor in risk- and environmental studies, his research revolves around society's risk management, in particular from the individual's perspective. Specifically, the research is related to different perspectives on injury, injury prevention and societal safety. For example, issues related to fires, falls or traffic accidents but also more general aspects such as event safety or sport safety. Finn has a background in public health and injury epidemiology.
- Read more about Finn Nilsons research, link:/forskare/finn-nilson
Magdalena Nordsäter
Magdalena Nordsäter is a PhD student in the field of integration of risk management and climate change adaptation at the local level. Magdalena is affiliated to CNDS research school and her research is focused on the integration of climate adaptation and risk management.
Lars Nyberg
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2199
Lars Nyberg is professor in environmental science and holds a PhD in hydrology. Lars also has several years working experience from the Swedish civil contingencies agency.
- Read more about Lars Nybergs research, link:/forskare/lars-nyberg
David Olsson
David Olsson has a postdoc at CSR. Davids research is on societal resilience in connection to climate adaptation.
- Read more about David Olssons research, link:/forskare/david-olsson
Michaela Padden
PhD-student in political science
Michaela Padden is interested in policy and regulation concerning ‘big data,’ in particular whether the current European data protection framework is sufficient to meet not only privacy needs, but emerging ethical/political/legal challenges posed by processes such as real-time tracking, predictive analytics, algorithmic profiling and decision-making and the goal of behaviour modification.
- Read more about Michaela Paddens research, link:/forskare/michaela-padden
Erik Persson
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2239
Erik is currently on parental leave.
Erik is a PhD student connected to the CNDS research school. His PhD focus is warning systems for cloudbursts and floods. The research studies have resulted in a licentiate degree with a dissertation titled “Flood Warnings in a Risk Management Context – A Case of Swedish Municipalities”. Since 2016 Erik has worked in the different CriseIT-projects, that focuses on prerequisites for digital crisis management. Erik has a background in environmental science and holds a master in Societal risk management.
- Read more about Erik Perssons research, link:/forskare/erik-persson
Andreas Pettersson
Project assistant
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 1238
Andreas Pettersson works with various projects and research communication at CSR. He has a background in ICT and environmental science.
John Sören Petterson
Professor in informatics
John Sören is professor in informatics with focus on human-computer interaction. His research is within ICT-support for crisis management, how to get integrityprotecting technology user-friendly (usable privacy) and ICT in international development and especially mobile technology for development; the international conference-series M4D is arranged by ý university together with univiersities globally.
- Read more about John Sören Petterssons research, link:/forskare/john-soren-pettersson
Stefan Wagnsson
Associate professor in sports science
Stafan Wagnssons research maily revolves around child- and youth sports, with focus on the psychosocial development of youth, motivational processes and how to engage parents.
- Read more about Stefan Wagnssons research, link:/forskare/stefan-wagnsson
Misse Wester
Professor at the department of risk management and societal safety, Lund university
Misse Westers main interest in her research is the link between what we think and what we do in relation to risks and safety – and how this affects risk and crisis communication.
- Read more about Misse Westers research, länk:
Malin Wik
PhD-student in informatics
Doctoral student in information systems with an interest in methods for user involvement in systems development processes and in particular the requirements engineering. Malin also has been looking at digitalisation of crisis training through the CSR CriseIT-projects.
- Read more about Malin Wiks research, link:/forskare/malin-wik
Erik Wästlund
Associate professor in psychology
Erik Wästlunds research regards decision making and behavior change and how these processes are affected by digital technology. Erik studies these questions in diverse contexts such as retailing, tourism, and welfare services.
- Read more about Erik Wästlunds research, link:/forskare/erik-wastlund
Åsa Ågren
Åsa Ågren holds a PhD in general legal theory. Her research interest regards decision-making and how environmental concerns is weighted against other concers such as economy in national law practise.
- Read more about Åsa Ågrens research, link:/forskare/asa-agren