The list ranks two percent of the world’s most prominent researchers. Among almost 160,000 researchers, whose publications have accelerated progress in their respective fields, there are ten representatives from ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
Black Friday and Christmas are approaching, it's the time of year when many people gather in stores and other physical meeting places. To be able to handle this, it's important to understand why people are attracted to these places and to plan and prepare for this, says researcher Pernille K Andersson at CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
The pandemic has shaken many industries profoundly, among them the music industry. To handle the crisis more support is needed as well as a changed view to recognize popular music as a cultural form, accordning to an ongoing study at ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
A survey was conducted this summer to find out how different actors in the music and event industry are affected by the corona pandemic.
Interventions increase the chances of succeeding in changing and maintaining a new behavior in the long run. This is shown in a recently published study from CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½.
"Interventions are about promoting a behavioral change with targeted programs or services," says Frida Skarin, Doctoral Student in Psychology and main author of the article.
... you are are now in the final phase of your PhD studies that focuses on behavioral change. Can you tell us more about your research?
"I am studying psychological factors that contribute to people succeeding to change and maintaining a new behavior in the long run. My doctoral thesis focuses on behavior change through interventions, that is, by the help of targeted measures or services.
Per Kristensson, you and three colleagues wrote a debate article with this headline in the Swedish newspaper DN Debate regarding the spread of Covid-19. What do you mean by this?
"We believe that governmental agencies and regional authorities have a naïve understanding of how to change people’s behavior.
On October 21, CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½ hosted the ninth annual scientific conference, gathering Swedish transport researchers around issues concerning the Swedish transport system. This year’s conference was held virtually via zoom.
"This was the second time CTF hosts the conference which usually is a two-day event.
Two doctoral students from ¹û¶³´«Ã½ participated in the first meeting of the WASP-HS graduate school, when 35 doctoral students from a number of Swedish universities gathered to discuss and dive deeper in artificial intelligence and the humanities and social sciences.
The meeting was a two-day virtual event with the purpose to introduce the topics and visions of WASP-HS and to get to know each other.
The doctoral students hold positions at the Swedish universi
We are happy to welcome Amie Gustafsson, new PhD student in Business Administration. She is placed at CTF, Service Research Center, where she will be studying customer behavior in the retail industry.
"I will join a research project on service innovation and organization that focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization in the retail industry.
... Digitalization of services and how this is transforming and affecting the user experience for customers, patients and citizens is the topic of your doctoral thesis. Why did you choose this area?
"Digitalization engages many of us. More and more services related to our everyday lives are becoming digitalized, and it is interesting to see how people relate to this and what value it adds to their lives.
Collaboration, data and service design are examples of what will be discussed at Service Convention Sweden 2020 which will be held on 25-26 November. We invite representatives from the public and private sectors and academia to focus on how to solve some of our most important societal challenges.
"We live in challenging times where we constantly need to adapt and adjust – something that most of us have experienced during the current pandemic.
Many companies need to start focusing more on the customers to become more innovative and successful. What are the market needs? What does the customer want, and how can we facilitate for the customer?
When I came to ¹û¶³´«Ã½ in august 2019, I had no idea how dynamic my sabbatical year as a guest researcher at CTF, Service Research Center, would become.
A sabbatical
I am assistant professor of user-centered innovation at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft, which started out as a traditional product design department, but by now conducts research and educates in design and innovation of products, services and systems.
… Senior Lecturer in Business Administration and researcher at CTF. Digital service infusion is the name of a project you are working on - what is it about?
"It is about how manufacturing companies can make profit on digital services and how they can find new, profitable service solutions. We focus on three current areas; the first area is business models and how they change when companies add digital services to their offerings.
September 29, is the first International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. The day is instituted by the UN to take an international approach to the consequences of food waste and possible solutions to reach the goal in Agenda 2030.
For the second year in a row, Ikea is ranked as Sweden's most innovative company. This, according to the Swedish Innovation Index, where researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at ¹û¶³´«Ã½, have asked customers to evaluate the degree of innovation in companies and organizations in the Swedish market.
We are happy to welcome Mia Larson - Associate Professor of Business Administration at ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Business School. She will be placed at CTF, Service Research Center, where she will, among other things, be involved in the research project Trust and Empowerment in Digital Services.
Mia Larson most recently worked at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies at Lund University.
Read our latest CTF blog, by Kaisa Koskela-Huotari and Josina Vink.
The understanding of service design has been gradually extended over the past 35 years. Over these decades, there has been a shift from thinking about service design as an expert-driven process focused on developing new service concepts to service design as a process of co-design that creates the conditions for value-in-use.