Kau doctoral courses
Welcome to the web page for Doctoral courses at ¹û¶³´«Ã½
The web page for Doctoral courses shows all third-cycle courses at ¹û¶³´«Ã½ that have a syllabus. Some clarifications regarding the terminology:
Course start: Indicates when the course is given next time. You can choose Any, autumn term (HT) or spring term (VT). The term Always refers to supervisor-led courses that are usually given by your own supervisor when a doctoral student has a need. On demand describes a course that is given when needed by several students. Usually these are seminar-structured courses that are given for more than one doctoral students in one or more subjects.
Course language: choose between courses that are always given in Swedish, always given in English or courses that alternate between Swedish or English.
For doctoral student in: Any means that the course is open to all doctoral students, regardless of which research education subject you are admitted to. In addition, all research education subjects at ¹û¶³´«Ã½ are listed, which means that you can choose your subject and get a list of all courses you can apply for.
Syllabus: As a third-cycle student, you should click on ACTIVE and all courses that are still given will be displayed. INACTIVE refers to previous courses that can no longer be applied to.
Keywords: Here you can search for courses based on their title and course code.
Title | Credits | Course start | Course language | Syllabus | Kurskod |
Avhandlingar och disputationer inom det pedagogiska fältet | 1.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6PEA001 |
Impact and the Utilisation of Research / Impact and the Utilisation of Research | 4.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 0UNI005 |
Polymerers fysikaliska kemi | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF40 |
Systematiska översikter inom hälsovetenskaper / Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 7OMV001 |
Advanced quantum physics / Advanced quantum physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Archived | 2FYS001 |
Advanced Semantics / Advanced Semantics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG032 |
Advanced topics in bilingualism / Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG035 |
American Literature, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG004 |
American Literature, 1919 to the present / American Literature, 1919 to the present | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG025 |
Amerikansk litteratur 1919 - nutid / American Literature, 1919 to the present | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG025 |
Amerikansk litteratur, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG004 |
Analysens fundament / Fundamentals of analysis | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT005 |
Analytical Approaches in Political Science / Analytical Approaches in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV002 |
Användarorienterad systemutveckling och projektledning / User-centred systems development and project management | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF004 |
Användbarhetstestning, prototyping och användarcentrerad utvärdering / Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF005 |
Approaches to the study of language and gender / Approaches to the study of language and gender | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG023 |
Att kommunicera vetenskap / Att kommunicera vetenskap | 4.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 0UNI001 |
Att nyttiggöra forskning och vetenskap / Impact and the Utilisation of Research | 4.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 0UNI005 |
Att skriva avhandling i statsvetenskap / Writing a Dissertation in Political Science | 5.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV001 |
Avancerad kvantfysik / Advanced quantum physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Archived | 2FYS001 |
Avancerad semantik / Advanced Semantics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG032 |
Avhandlingens uppbyggnad och innehåll / Structure and contents of a PhD thesis | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF003 |
Bootcamp course in pulp and paper technology | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Swedish or English | Active | KTE004 |
Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security / Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security | 4.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV010 |
Classic Readings in Working Life Science / Classic Readings in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ABV001 |
Classic Workplace Studies in Working Life Science / Classic Workplace Studies in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ABV002 |
Classics in Theories of Space / Klassiker i rumsteori | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG006 |
Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data / Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG033 |
Communicating Science | 4.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI001 |
Computer Networking Seminar: 5G, edge and IoT / Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV011 |
Computer Science Colloquium / Computer Science Colloquium | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV001 |
Connections between number theory, algebra and physics / Connections between number theory, algebra and physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS015 |
Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ENG046 |
Datavetenskapliga seminarier / Computer Science Colloquium | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV001 |
Det kusliga i litteratur, film och konst / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6LIV001 |
Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming / Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT008 |
Didaktiska aspekter på elevers matematiklärande inom programmering / Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT008 |
Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 3.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG042 |
Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 4.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG043 |
Dystopi och apokalyps / Dystopia and Apocalypse | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG020 |
Dystopia and Apocalypse / Dystopia and Apocalypse | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG020 |
Engelsk litteratur från 1750 till 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG037 |
Engelsk litteratur före 1750 / English Literature before 1750 | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG036 |
Engelskspråkig litteratur (utanför USA) 1900 talet / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG006 |
Engelskspråkig litteratur, valfri fördjupning / English Literature, directed studies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG007 |
English Literature before 1750 / English Literature before 1750 | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG036 |
English Literature from 1750 to 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG037 |
English Literature, directed studies / English Literature, directed studies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG007 |
Evidens, kunskapssammanställningar och beprövad erfarenhet inom det ämnesdidaktiska fältet | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS081 |
Exchanging Research Experience | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KET002 |
Fasta tillståndets teori / Solid State Theory | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS011 |
Feminist Geographies / Feminist Geographies | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG005 |
Feministisk geografi / Feminist Geographies | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG005 |
Forskning inom innovationsledning / Innovation Management Research | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 6FEK005 |
Forskningsetik för doktorander, forskning som avser människor / Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans | 2.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 7OMV003 |
Forskningsetik för doktorander, grundkurs / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course | 3.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 7OMV002 |
Forskningsetik och oredlighet inom Humanistisk – Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Svenska | Active | X |
Forskningsformulering i kemi | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK40 |
Forskningsmetodologi inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet | 15.0 HP | VT26 | Svenska | Active | PEA |
Forskningsseminarier i natur- och teknikvetenskap | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK30 |
Forskningsöversikt och referenshantering | 4.5 HP | VT23 | Svenska | Active | PEA |
Fundamentals of analysis / Fundamentals of analysis | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT005 |
Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) / Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6FEK004 |
Fysikalisk kemi 1 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF10 |
Fysikalisk kemi 2 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF20 |
Fysikalisk kemi 3 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF30 |
Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet / Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG035 |
Genusperspektiv inom psykologin | 3.0 HP | HT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PSY003 |
Grounded Theory i Teori och praktik / Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish | Active | 0UNI010 |
Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice / Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish | Active | 0UNI010 |
Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective / Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI008 |
Historiedidaktik | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS050 |
Historievetenskapliga metoder | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS010 |
Historikern i samhället | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS020 |
History of Mathematics / History of Mathematics | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT001 |
Hållbar resursanvändning och cirkulär systemanalys | 3.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7MIE002 |
Hälsa ur ett flervetenskapligt perspektiv / Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI008 |
Icke-parametrisk statistik | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Svenska | Active | 1PSY001 |
Inblick och utblick i forskning om lärares professionsutveckling / Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT003 |
Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning / Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning | 5.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV021 |
Informatik som vetenskaplig disciplin / Information systems as an academic discipline | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF002 |
Information retrieval and publishing strategies / Information retrieval and publishing strategies | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | 0UNI014 |
Information systems as an academic discipline / Information systems as an academic discipline | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF002 |
Informationssökning och publiceringsstrategier / Information retrieval and publishing strategies | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | 0UNI014 |
Innovation Management Research / Innovation Management Research | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 6FEK005 |
Insamling, behandling och analys av lingvistiska data / Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG033 |
Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development / Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT003 |
Integritetsskyddande teknologier / Privacy-enhancing Technologies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV003 |
Intensivkurs i massa- och pappersteknik | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | KTE004 |
Interdisciplinary IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV006 |
Interdisciplinary IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – Writing course / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV007 |
Introduction Course Human Geography / Introduction Course Human Geography | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG002 |
Introduction Essay in Chemical Engineering | 5.0 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2KTE002 |
Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science / Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV002 |
Introduction to Research Studies in Mathematics at the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology / Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 1.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT004 |
Introduction to statistical methods in science and technology / Introduction to statistical methods in science and technology | 4.0 HP | VT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 7BIO002 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i datavetenskap / Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV002 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i kemi på Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 7KEAK50 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper / Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 1.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT004 |
Introduktion till statistiska metoder inom natur- och teknikvetenskap | 4.0 HP | VT23 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7BIO002 |
Introduktionskurs för forskarutbildning inom Forskarskolan om hållbar samhällsförändring | 7.5 HP | VT23 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 6CRS001 |
Introduktionskurs Kulturgeografi / Introduction Course Human Geography | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG002 |
Introduktionsuppsats kemi | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK20 |
Introduktionsuppsats Kemiteknik | 5.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 2KTE002 |
Klassiker i rumsteori / Klassiker i rumsteori | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG006 |
Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) / Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) | 0.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | CA |
Kritisk analys av språk- och diskursdata / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ENG046 |
Kunskap och lärande | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA009 |
Kvalitativ forskningsmetod | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6PSY005 |
Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande / Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish | Active | 6SOC110 |
Kvalitativ vetenskaplig metodik / Qualitative Scientific Methodology | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish | Active | 3FHV001 |
Kvantfysik för doktorander / Quantum physics for doctoral students | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS016 |
Kvantitativa metoder för kvalitativa forskare / Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV010 |
Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG044 |
Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach / Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach | 7.5 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6ENG039 |
Liegroups and Liealgebras / Liegroups and Liealgebras | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS014 |
Liegrupper och Liealgebror / Liegroups and Liealgebras | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS014 |
Literary theory and methodology / Literary theory and methodology | 12.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG018 |
Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG006 |
Literature survey | 7.5 HP | VT22 | English | Active | 7MTT103 |
Litteraturstudie i kemi I | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK10 |
Litteraturstudie i kemi II | 10.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK15 |
Litteraturvetenskaplig teori och metod / Literary theory and methodology | 12.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG018 |
Läskurs med inriktning mot samtida arbetsvetenskaplig litteratur / Reading course on contemporary working life literature | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ABV005 |
Matematikens historia / History of Mathematics | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT001 |
Mean Field Games: Theory and Applications / Mean Field Games: Theory and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT007 |
Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences / Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 7OMV005 |
Mät- och testteori – Utveckling och utvärdering av mätinstrument inom hälsovetenskap / Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 7OMV005 |
Netnografi och Big Data / Netnography and Big Data | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF001 |
Netnography and Big Data / Netnography and Big Data | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF001 |
Overview course in Business Administration / Overview course in Business Administration | 15.0 HP | HT21 | Swedish or English | Active | 6FEK003 |
Packaging Materials | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK |
Parametric statistics / Parametric statistics | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 1PSY002 |
Parametrisk statistik / Parametric statistics | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 1PSY002 |
Particles and Partial Differential Equations / Particles and Partial Differential Equations | 7.5 HP | VT26 | English | Active | 7MAT010 |
Partiklar och partiella differentialekvationer / Particles and Partial Differential Equations | 7.5 HP | VT26 | English | Active | 7MAT010 |
Pedagogiskt arbete som forskningsfält | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA004 |
Peer review inom datavetenskap / Peer reviewing in Computer Science | 2.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV008 |
Peer reviewing in Computer Science / Peer reviewing in Computer Science | 2.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV008 |
Phase transformation of metals and alloys | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Engelska | Active | 7MTT102 |
Philosophy and Theory of Science for doctoral students / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander | 4.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6HIS070 |
Privacy by Design – Data Protection: Concepts, Technology, Implementation and Management / Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning | 5.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV021 |
Privacy-enhancing Technologies / Privacy-enhancing Technologies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV003 |
Problematisering och forskningsplanering inom risk- och miljöstudier | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6RIM001 |
Qualitative Research Methods in Working Life Science / Qualitative Research Methods in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | VT22 | English | Active | 6ABV003 |
Qualitative Scientific Methodology / Qualitative Scientific Methodology | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish | Active | 3FHV001 |
Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers / Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV010 |
Quantum physics for doctoral students / Quantum physics for doctoral students | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS016 |
Reading course on contemporary working life literature / Reading course on contemporary working life literature | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ABV005 |
Regenerated Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK 33 |
Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course | 3.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 7OMV002 |
Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans / Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans | 2.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 7OMV003 |
Research traditions in Political Science / Research traditions in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV003 |
Researching the nexus between language and thought / Researching the nexus between language and thought | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG038 |
Samband mellan talteori, algebra och fysik / Connections between number theory, algebra and physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS015 |
Samtida sociologisk teori | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6SOC120 |
Scanning Probe Microscopy / Scanning Probe Microscopy | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS013 |
Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications / Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT006 |
Seminarier och forskningspresentation / Seminars and Presentation of Research | 3.0 HP | Always | English | Active | 6ENG027 |
Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT / Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV011 |
Seminars and Presentation of Research / Seminars and Presentation of Research | 3.0 HP | Always | English | Active | 6ENG027 |
Seminars within Chemical Engineering | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2KTE001 |
Service Management - Teori och Forskning / Theory and Research in Service Management / Theory and Research in Service Management | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 1FEK002 |
Social Media Language and Discourse / Social Media Language and Discourse | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG045 |
Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods / Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG040 |
Sociala perspektiv på andraspråksinlärning – teorier och metoder / Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG040 |
Socio-emotionellt välbefinnande och psykisk hälsa för elever med särskild begåvning | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA013 |
Solid State Theory / Solid State Theory | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS011 |
Språk i användning: En korpuslingvistik metod / Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach | 7.5 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6ENG039 |
Språk och diskurs i sociala medier / Social Media Language and Discourse | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG045 |
Språk och genus: Teoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv / Approaches to the study of language and gender | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG023 |
Språkanalys inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG044 |
Språkvetenskapliga avhandlingar - aktuell forskning och publiceringsformer / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 3.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG042 |
Språkvetenskapliga avhandlingar- aktuell forskning och publiceringsformer / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 4.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG043 |
Statsvetenskap som forskningstradition / Research traditions in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV003 |
Statsvetenskapliga analysinriktningar / Analytical Approaches in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV002 |
Steels: properties and heat treatments | 15.0 HP | HT21 | English | Active | 7MTT101 |
Structure and contents of a PhD thesis / Structure and contents of a PhD thesis | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF003 |
Surface Physics / Surface Physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS003 |
Sustainable Resource Utilization and Circular Systems Analysis | 3.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MIE002 |
Svepprobmikroskopi / Scanning Probe Microscopy | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS013 |
Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences / Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 7OMV001 |
Tal och social interaktion i institutionella sammanhang: Från datainsamling till analys / Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis | 7.5 HP | HT25 | English | Active | 6ENG041 |
Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis / Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis | 7.5 HP | HT25 | English | Active | 6ENG041 |
Teach like a champion (TLC) | 1.0 HP | Always | English | Active | TLC |
Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) | 1.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | RRR |
Teori i historievetenskaplig forskning | 75.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS030 |
Teori och metod för praktiknära och praktikutvecklande ämnesdidaktisk forskning | 7.5 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 0UNI013 |
Teorier, begrepp och metoder inom risk- och miljöstudier | 10.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6RIM002 |
The art of writing a thesis and feeling great along the way - writing processes and academic writing | 5.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6SOA100 |
The Sodium/Sulfur-Balance in a Pulp Mill | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK 20 |
The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6LIV001 |
Theory and Research in Service Management / Theory and Research in Service Management | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 1FEK002 |
Theory of Science / Theory of Science | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV020 |
Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV006 |
Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV007 |
Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) / Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | KLL |
Undervisa på universitet: Ramar, regler och resurser (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) | 1.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | RRR |
Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation / Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF005 |
User-centred systems development and project management / User-centred systems development and project management | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF004 |
Utbildningshistoria | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS040 |
Utvalda delämnen i funktionsrum och tillämpningar / Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT006 |
Vatten som risk och resurs i en nordisk kontext / Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context | 5.0 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6KUG008 |
Vetenskapsteori / Theory of Science | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV020 |
Vetenskapsteori för doktorander / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander | 4.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6HIS070 |
Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context / Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context | 5.0 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6KUG008 |
Writing a Dissertation in Political Science / Writing a Dissertation in Political Science | 5.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV001 |
Writing in Science and Technology | 5.0 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 7DAV013 |
Writing Workshop for PhD students | 0.0 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | WWPhD |
Ytfysik / Surface Physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS003 |
Ytors och kolloiders fysikaliska kemi | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAF50 |
Ämnesdidaktikens vetenskapliga bas | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS080 |
Ämnesdidaktisk forskning och utvecklingsarbete | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS060 |
Översiktskurs i företagsekonomi / Overview course in Business Administration | 15.0 HP | HT21 | Swedish or English | Active | 6FEK003 |